1.0.7 • Published 2 years ago

aws_glue_databrew_jupyter v1.0.7

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Last release
2 years ago


This is an extension for Jupyter Lab that allows you to manage your AWS Glue Databrew resources in-context of your existing Jupyter workflows.


  1. boto3 version 1.16.17 or greater
  2. botocore version 1.19.17 or greater
  3. configure the aws cli. https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-chap-install.html
  4. jupyter lab version 3.x

Installation instructions for Jupyter Lab

  1. run pip install aws-jupyter-proxy
  2. run jupyter serverextension enable --py aws_jupyter_proxy
  3. Search for aws_glue_databrew_jupyter in the Jupyter Lab plugin store and click install

Command-line installation instructions

  1. run jupyter labextension install aws_glue_databrew_jupyter
  2. Start jupyter lab: jupyter lab

Build and install instructions

  1. Install npm dependencies: npm install
  2. Build the extension: npm run build
  3. Install python dependencies: pip install ./
  4. Install the extension: jupyter labextension install ./
  5. Build jupyter lab assets: jupyter lab build
  6. Start jupyter lab in debug mode: jupyter lab --debug

Publishing new versions

  1. Update the version and push via https://docs.npmjs.com/updating-your-published-package-version-number
  2. tag the commit with a new version tag