1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

azdevautomation v1.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago

Azure DevOps Automation


This automation framework enables automation of projects, pipelines and repositories configuration in Azure DevOps.


  • Create projects and update configuration
  • Manage project security permissions
  • Manage build pipelines permissions
  • Manage release pipelines permissions
  • Manage repositories permissions
  • Manage service connections (to be implemented)
  • Manage branch policies (to be implemented)
  • Execute console commands

Automation Guide

node automation.js --a=MyAccount --t=MyPAT --p=policies --c=projects.json

--config, -c [string], path to configuration file
--policies, -p [string], path to policies directory
--schemas, -s [string], path to schemas directory
--account, -a [string], Azure DevOps account name
--token, -t [string], Azure DevOps account PAT token
--projectSetup [boolean], control project setup feature
--accessPermissions [boolean], control access permissions feature
--serviceConnections [boolean], control service connections feature
--branchPolicies [boolean], control branch policies feature

Console Guide

node console.js --a=MyAccount --t=MyPAT --c=config.json --p=MyProject.* --f=MyFeature

--config, -c [string], path to configuration file
--account, -a [string], Azure DevOps account name
--token, -t [string], Azure DevOps account PAT token
--project, -p [string], target project name filter
--feature, -f [string], feature name to execute
--mock, -m [boolean], enable mock


For aditional information and support please refer to project repository. To enable debug mode to help troubleshooting issues, please configure DEBUG=azdev-automation:* custom release variable.

For help with Azure DevOps please refer to official documentation.