1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

azure-functions-middlewares v1.1.0

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Last release
4 years ago

Azure Functions Middlewares is a full HTTP middleware cascade solution if you need to evolute your Azure Functions to composition and reusability, as you did before on APIs powered by Express, Koa or HAPI.

See all features.

Table of contents



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Azure Functions Middlewares was tested for the environments below. Even we believe it may works in older versions or other platforms, it is not intended to.

EnvironmentTested version
OSUbuntu 20.04
Package Managernpm 6.14.5
Platformsserver, browser not supported


Via package manager


$ npm install --save azure-functions-middlewares


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The most simple usage

const FunctionMiddlewares = require('azure-functions-middlewares');

const app = new FunctionMiddlewares();

app.use(async (context) => {


module.exports = app.listen();

⚠ Things you must pay attention

  • Always call listen() at the end of cascade to return the function entrypoint.
  • Always use async functions as middlewares. This project doesn't supports sync functions anymore, we are at 21th century.
  • Do not return anything inside your middleware function, unless you want to throw an error. Always use context.res to output what you need. If you want to pass values to the next middlewares, use the context object reference.

Capturing errors

If the middleware cascade encounters an error thrown by any middleware, it will stop the execution and will call the middleware registered with catch() method.

You can register a callback middleware to catch errors thrown in middleware cascade by passing a synchronous function with the arguments (context, error) , e.g.:

app.catch((context, error) => {
  context.res.status = 404;
  context.res.headers['X-Message'] = error;

If you don't register any catch middleware, a default function will be registered to log the error using context.error() and also to set a HTTP 500 status code.

Customizing the execution order

The middleware cascade is executed in three different phases: pre-execution, main execution and post-execution.

By default, all middlewares are pushed to the main execution phase, but you can customize the phase you are adding a middleware by passing a phase argument when registering a middleware using use() or useIf():

app.use((context) => {
  context.log('This will be executed at the last phase');
}, app.Phases.POST_PROCESSING);

app.use((context) => {
  context.log('This will be executed at the first phase');
}, app.Phases.PRE_PROCESSING);

app.use((context) => {
  context.log('This will be executed at the second phase');

Phases constants to use as phase argument are exposed into cascade's property Phases:

app.Phases.PRE_PROCESSING // => first phase
app.Phases.MAIN // => second phase
app.Phases.POST_PROCESSING // => last phase

These constant values are equal to its enums keys. So, the PRE_PROCESSING constant is equal to a "PRE_PROCESSING" string.

Conditional middlewares

You can conditionally using the method useIf() instead the traditional use() method.

To specify the evaluation function, pass to the first argument a synchronous function (context) => {} that always returns a boolean value.


const isPostRequest = (context) => context.req.method === 'POST';

app.useIf(isPostRequest, (context) => {
  context.log('This will be executed only if is a HTTP POST');

Stoping the cascade execution

You can stop the cascade execution and prevent next middlewares to be executed in any middleware, by returning the STOP_SIGNAL in the middleware.

It is useful when a middleware is used to validate the request before return any resource, just like Content-Type negotiation, authorization, etc.

The STOP_SIGNAL constant is avaiable as the second middleware's argument.


app.use((context, STOP_SIGNAL) => {
  if (!req.query.access_token) {
    context.res.status = 401;

    return STOP_SIGNAL;

The STOP_SIGNAL constant value are equal to a "!STOP!" string.

Accessing and modifying the context

The context argument avaiable in middlewares is the untouched reference to the Azure Function Context object.

This means you can access the request using context.req property, and also set the response using context.res property.

By default, context.res and context.res.headers are always initialized with empty objects {} to prevent attributions to undefined.

The context argument is an object reference and added properties are avaiable through other references.

This means you can add your own custom properties to make them available to other middlewares.

For example, you could make an "User" property available to use user's information:

app.use(async (context) => {
  context.user = await database.getUser(context.req.query.userId);

app.use(async (context) => {
  context.res.body = await database.getOrdersByUser(context.user);

Azure Functions supports async functions and Azure Functions Middlewares handles everything needed in the function entrypoint generated by app.listen() method.

So, never call context.done().


Writing and publishing common middlewares

When we are talking about HTTP, some common middlewares is used by a lot of developers, just like authorization validation, content-type negotiation, parsing and output, and many more.

Azure Functions Middlewares doesn't have an API to extend it, because the middleware approach itself is extensible.

So, if you want to publish a middleware (or an evaluation function) you developed and think it will be useful for any other developer, fork this repository, add your middleware folder to the middlewares directory and make a pull request!

We will review it and publish it to the organization @azure-functions-middlewares.

Avaiable community middlewares

Middlewares officially developed by or reviwed by Azure Functions Middlewares maintainers are always under the @azure-functions-middlewares scope in NPM registry.




If you need help or have a problem with this project, start an issue.

We will not provide a SLA to your issue, so, don't expect it to be answered in a short time.


AzureFunctionCascade class


Returns all the middlewares added to the 'PRE_PROCESSING' phase.

Returns all the middlewares added to the 'MAIN' phase.

Returns all the middlewares added to the 'POST_PROCESSING' phase.


function(asyncMiddleware, phase?):AzureFunctionCascade

Adds a middleware to the middleware cascade.


asyncMiddlewareAsyncFunctionGeneratortrueAn asynchronous function that takes two arguments (context, STOP_SIGNAL)
phase'PRE_PROCESSING' | 'MAIN' | 'POST_PROCESSING'false'MAIN'The cascade middlware phase that the middleware will be executed.


AzureFunctionCascade the current instance of AzureFunctionCascade.



async function (context, STOP_SIGNAL?):any

contextContexttrueThe Azure Function context object.
STOP_SIGNAL'!STOP!' | nullfalseThe constant value of a stop signal to return if you want to stop the middleware execution.

Returns: anything returned by the middleware will be thrown as an error, except the STOP_SIGNAL constant.

function(expression, asyncMiddleware, phase?):AzureFunctionCascade

Adds a conditional middleware to the middleware cascade.


expressionfunctiontrueA function that takes a single argument (context) to check whether the middleware should be executed or not.
asyncMiddlewareAsyncFunctionGeneratortrueSame as in use() method.
phase'PRE_PROCESSING' | 'MAIN' | 'POST_PROCESSING'false'MAIN'Same as in use() method.


AzureFunctionCascade the current instance of AzureFunctionCascade.



function (context):boolean

contextContexttrueThe Azure Function context object.

Returns: the expression must always return a boolean indicating if the middleware should be executed (true) or not (false).


Same as in use() method.


Registers an error callback to be called when a middleware throws an error.


catchCallbackfunctiontrueA callback function that takes one argument (context)


AzureFunctionCascade the current instance of AzureFunctionCascade.



async function (context, STOP_SIGNAL?):any

contextContexttrueThe Azure Function context object.

Returns: anything returned by the callback will be ignored.


Returns the Azure Functions entrypoint async (context) => {} that will be triggered by the function HTTP trigger and will execute the entire middleware cascade.


AzureFunction: the Azure Functions entrypoint.

Tecnhical concepts

Azure Functions Middlewares was inspired from famous middleware cascades for Node.js, like Express, Koa and HAPI.

Our goal is to provide easy functions shareability and reusing to the entire Azure Functions ecosystem and community.

We knew some similar solutions at the time of our development, but they lack some crucial features, like async support, middleware stop signal and execution phases.

The design of AzureFunctionCascade class inside the project's core is really simple. It is almost just three arrays of pipeline phases that are iterated when the function entrypoint is called by the Functions Host.


  • Async middleware support
  • Error event middleware (a.k.a. "catch middleware")
  • Execution order customization (pre-execution, main execution and post-execution phases)
  • Middleware execution prevention (a.k.a. "stop signal")
  • Conditional middlewares

Related projects

  • azure-monofunction: A router solution to Azure Functions using a single function and Azure Functions Middlewares.

Similar projects


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Code of conduct


We follow Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. If you want to contribute to this project, you must accept and follow it.



This project adheres to Semantic Versioning 2.0.0.


If you are not solving an issue or fixing a bug, you can help developing the roadmap below.

  • Improve docs/FAQ
  • Support async functions also on conditional evaluators and catch callback
  • Create a "priority" score to manually sort middlewares

Hall of fame

Used in production by companies



Licensed under the MIT License.