3.0.8 • Published 1 year ago

azure-keyvault-ssrf-fixed v3.0.8

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Microsoft Azure SDK for Node.js - Key Vault

This project provides a Node.js package for accessing keys, secrets and certificates on Azure Key Vault. Right now it supports:

  • Node.js version: 6.x.x or higher
  • REST API version: 2016-10-01


  • Manage keys: create, import, update, delete, backup, restore, list and get.
  • Key operations: sign, verify, encrypt, decrypt, wrap, unwrap.
  • Secret operations: set, get, update and list.
  • Certificate operations: create, get, update, import, list, and manage contacts and issuers.

How to Install

npm install azure-keyvault

Detailed Samples

A sample that can be cloned and run can be found here.

Others you might want to take a look at: Soft delete, recovery, backup and restore Managed storage accounts Deploying certificates to a VM Fetching keyvault secret from a web-application during runtime with MSI

How to Use

The following are some examples on how to create and consume secrets, certificates and keys. For a complete sample, please check one of the above links.

Authentication and Client creation

var KeyVault = require('azure-keyvault');
var msRestAzure = require('ms-rest-azure-ssrf-fixed');

async function main(): Promise<void> {
  const credentials = await msRestAzure.interactiveLogin();
  // OR const credentials = await msRestAzure.loginWithServicePrincipalSecret("clientId", "secret", "domain");
  // OR any other login method from msRestAzure.
  const client = new KeyVault.KeyVaultClient(credentials);


Create a key and use it

client.createKey(vaultUri, 'mykey', 'RSA', options).then( (keyBundle) => {
    // Encrypt some plain text
    return client.encrypt(keyBundle.key.kid, 'RSA-OAEP', "ciphertext");

Create a certificate and delete it

// Create a certificate
client.createCertificate(vaultUri, 'mycertificate', options).then( (certificateOperation) => {
  var parsedId = KeyVault.parseCertificateOperationIdentifier(certificateOperation.id);
  // Poll the certificate status until it is created
  var interval = setInterval( () => {
    client.getCertificateOperation(parsedId.vault, parsedId.name).then( (pendingCertificate) => {
      if (pendingCertificate.status.toUpperCase() === 'completed'.toUpperCase()) {
        clearInterval(interval); // clear our polling function
        var parsedCertId = KeyVault.parseCertificateIdentifier(pendingCertificate.target);
        client.deleteCertificate(parsedCertId.vault, parsedCertId.name).then( (deleteResponse) => {

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