1.0.4 • Published 6 years ago
azure_qnamaker_binder v1.0.4
A component for binding with Azure QnAMaker APIs
Exposed Classe(s)
CMPQnAMakerBinderProxy This is the interface exposed to the outside world
Exposed Methods
All are Async calls
- createKnowledgeBaseAsync
Creating KnowledgeBase
- getKnowledgeBasesForUserAsync
gets All KBs for the User
- getKnowledgeBaseDetailsAsync
get details of a Specific KB
- getOperationDetailsAsync
gets Operation details
- getEndpointKeysAsync
gets KB endpoints
- downloadAlterationsAsync
Downloads Alterations
- downloadKnowledgeBaseAsync
Downloads a KB
- publishKnowledgeBaseAsync
Publishes a KB
- createAndPublishKnowledgeBaseAsync
Creats and Publishes a KB
- replaceAlterationAsync
Replaces Alterations
- replaceKnowledgeBaseAsync
Replaces Specific KB
- updateKnowledgeBaseAsync
Updates Specific KB
- refreshEndpointKeysAsync
Refresh KB Endpoint
- deleteKnowledgeBaseAsync
Deletes Specific KB
- deleteAllKnowledgeBasesAsync
Deletes All KBs
- generateAnswerAsync
Generates answers from the Knowledge base