babel-plugin-css-to-js-transform v1.0.2
This Babel plugin finds all require
and all import
function for css files,
and replace them with a new file with this name [filename]_css.js
It is keeps the the require
and the import
In the file only replaces the file name with the new file name.
Then the transform generate a new file [filename]_css.js
from [filename].css
It inserts class names as default export
by css-modules
with css-modules-require-hook package,
and insert a getter _getCss
function to the default object like
some style loaders eg: isomorphic-style-loader
This plugin is based on the fantastic babel-plugin-css-modules-transform.
There are two reasons what the plugin was written:
- The exists plugins don't support async plugins for postcss
- Doesn't want insert class names to the file because it causes many duplicates and increases the bundle size.
These are especially interesting if you want to create a reusable high order component or module, and you want to add a css. When you create an end user type software use webpack and style-loaders.
This plugin is experimental, pull requests are welcome.
/* srcDir/test_require.css */
.someClass {
color: red;
display: flex;
// srcDir/component.js
const styles = require("./test_import.css");
// outDir/test_require_css.js
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
const tokens = {
tokens._getCss = function () {
return `/* imported from test_require.css */ .test_require_31cRH { color: red; display: flex; } `;
exports["default"] = tokens;
// outDir/component.js
var styles = require("dir/test_require_css.js")["default"];
npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-css-to-js-transform
Include plugin in .babelrc
"plugins": ["css-to-js-transform"]
With custom options
module.exports = function (api, opts, env) {
return {
"plugins": [
cssModulesOptions: {
generateScopedName: "[name]_[hash:base64:5]",
//more options here: [css-modules-require-hook](
alias: function alias({filePathOrModuleName, root, outDir, srcDir}) {
let relativeFromRoot = relative(root, filePathOrModuleName);
//if the processed css is exists the plugin read it from out folder.
if (relativeFromRoot.slice(0,3) === srcDir && existsSync(resolve(root, outDir + relativeFromRoot.slice(3)))){
relativeFromRoot = outDir + relativeFromRoot.slice(3)
return resolve(root, relativeFromRoot);
outDir: "dist"
Using a processor
When using this plugin with a processor, run it before this plugin running. This example show you how create a build function with postcss.
You can try it in test package from command line: babel-plugin-test build
// tools/build.js
const postcss = require("postcss");
const path = require("path");
const fs = require("fs");
/**Create a postcss runner*/
async function processCssFunction(processCss) {
const plugins = [
stage: 3,
autoprefixer: { flexbox: "no-2009" },
const runner = postcss(plugins)
return await processCss({postcss, plugins, runner});
/**Create the processCss function what find all css files in src folder,
* and it create generated css files to dist folder.
* You can set up root, src and dist folders
async function processCss(p = {}) {
const {rootPath, distPath, srcPath} = getPaths(p)
await processCssFunction(async function processCss({runner}) {
function recursiveReadDir(entriesPath, o = {}) {
const curPath = path.resolve(entriesPath, file);
if(fs.lstatSync(curPath).isDirectory()) {
recursiveReadDir(curPath, o);
} else if (file.match(".css")){
const srcRelative = path.relative(srcPath, curPath);
const rootRelative = path.relative(rootPath, curPath);
o[srcRelative] = "./"+rootRelative;
const entries = {};
recursiveReadDir(srcPath, entries);
await Promise.all(Object.keys(entries).map(async function (relativePath) {
return new Promise(async function(resolve, reject) {
try {
const from = path.resolve(srcPath, relativePath);
const to = path.resolve(distPath, relativePath);
const css = fs.readFileSync(from);
const result = await runner.process(css, {from: from, to: to})
if (!fs.existsSync(path.dirname(to))){
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(to), { recursive: true });
if (!fs.existsSync(to)) {
fs.writeFileSync(to, result.css, function () {
return true;
console.log("Css processed: " + to)
} else {
console.log("File aready exists, run clean script or delete it manually before process css: " + to)
return resolve();
} catch (e) {
return reject(e)
* Build: first processCss, then babel
async function build(p = {}) {
const {rootPath, distPath, srcPath} = getPaths(p)
await clean(p);
await processCss(p);
const exec = require("child_process").exec;
const execText = path.resolve(rootPath, "node_modules/.bin/babel") + " " + srcPath + " --presets=babel-preset-for-test --out-dir " + distPath;
console.log("Run babel: " + execText);
await exec(execText).stderr.pipe(process.stderr);