1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

babel-unminify-plugin v1.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago


A small Babel plugin that unminifies compressed source code. Used in the VS Code JavaScript debugger.

Why write this?

We wanted a beautifier to support pretty-printing for the debug adapter in VS Code. js-beautify is sort of the de-facto unminifier for JavaScript, but it doesn't generate sourcemaps, which we very heavily rely on. We rigged a rather ad-hoc sourcemap implementation onto it, but it was buggy.

Ultimately we needed a code generator that could create reasonably readable output from an AST on which we could run some basic demangling procedures. After some investigation, we found Babel to be the fastest tool that fit these needs. This repo contains a simple plugin for Babel that implements the demangling.


  • enableStructuralChanges: boolean If set to true (default), it unminifies code even if doing so would cause a runtime change in the program--for example, splitting joined sequence expressions into separate statements.


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