0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago

babylon-material-factory v0.0.1

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7 years ago

Babylon material factory

Creates babylon materials from an abstract data format. All textures are referenced at your will as an user-defined URL resolver. will be called.

This library is coded in ES6.

Getting Started

Add the npm package babylon-material-factory to your project:

npm install babylon-material-factory babylonjs --save

or clone:

git clone git@github.com:wanadev/babylon-material-factory.git

Please not that the BabylonJS dependency is configured to be a peer one. Thus, you'll need to provide the dependency by yourself.


const materialFactory = require("babylon-material-factory");

// Set the URL resolver..
materialFactory.setUrlResolver((assetId) => {
    // Returning a valid URL (or blob-URL) to an image.
    return /* Promise<String> */;

// Creates a BABYLON.StandardMaterial.
    "specularPower": 0.1,
    "diffuseTexture": {
        "__type__": "texture",
        "assetId": /* Whatever your URL resolver needs */,
        "uScale": 4,
    .then(material => /* BABYLON.Material */)

URL resolver

When not set, the default URL resolver supposes that the assetId is an URL. Which means it's implementation looks like:

materialFactory.setUrlResolver(function(assetId) {
    return new Promise(resolve => resolve(assetId)));

Material's params

The generateMaterial accepts a list of data that are stored in a plain object way:

    "specularPower": 0.1,

Validity of each parameter is not checked: it is just applied to a object through the applyData(material, data) function. This means, even if BabylonJS's API change in the future, this library won't need any update.

However, for non-basic attributes (those which are not numbers nor strings), you will need to create an object with __type__ attribute.

Material's param: texture

Within the material object, one can specify a texture:

    "diffuseTexture": {
        "__type__": "texture",
        "assetId": /* Whatever your URL resolver needs */,
        "uScale": 4,

NOTE: One can specify an "url" property directly with no "assetId". In that case, no URL resolver is needed.

You can specify if you want a BABYLON.Texture (default) or a BABYLON.CubeTexture with the __kind__ attribute:

    "diffuseTexture": {
        "__type__": "texture",
        "assetId": /* Whatever your URL resolver needs */,
        "__kind__": "cube",

Material's param: color

A color is defined as such:

    "diffuseColor": {
        "__type__": "color",
        "value": "#AD2D4E", // Will be imported with BABYLON.Color4.FromHexString(value)

The value is any parsable String by photonui.Color.

Material's param: fresnelParameters

A FresnelParameter is defined as such:

    "reflectionFresnelParameters": {
        "__type__": "fresnelParameter",
        "bias": 0.3,
        "power": 1,
        "leftColor": {
            "__type__": "color",
            "value": "#AD2D4E",

PBR materials

By default, a BABYLON.StandardMaterial is created, however a BABYLON.PBRMaterial can be instanciated with:

"materialParams": {
    "__kind__": "pbr",
    "directIntensity ": 0.5,