0.2.1 • Published 10 years ago

backbone-diorama v0.2.1

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Last release
10 years ago


A Backbone.js based client-side Coffeescipt web application framework designed for rapid development, using opinionated backbone pattern generators.


Backbone Diorama aims to assist you in rapid building of client-side web applications. To do this, it borrows much of the philosophy of Ruby On Rails, particularly, convention over configuration. Backbone Diorama creates a default Backbone.js application structure, and provides a series of patterns useful for typical web development, which are realised through generators. BackboneDiorama and its generators are designed exclusively for Coffeescript in the interests of the clarity and elegance of generated code.


Install backbone diorama as an NPM package:

sudo npm install -g backbone-diorama


To view the availble commands, run:

diorama help

Create a new project

diorama new <ProjectName>

This will create a new diorama project inside a directory of the same name. It creates an index.html file containing starting instructions.


diorama generateController <ControllerName> <Action1> <Action2> ...

Generates a new Backbone.Diorama.Controller, with the specified actions, and a corresponding view for each action. Generated files are printed in a format suitable for inserting into the src/compile_manifest.json


diorama generateView <ViewName>

Generates a new Backbone.View and JST template file for the given name. Generated files are printed in a format suitable for inserting into the src/compile_manifest.json


diorama generateNestingView <ParentViewName> <ChildViewName>

Generates a new Backbone.Diorama.NestingView and child Backbone.View. ParentViewName specifies the NestingView name, ChildViewName species the child view to be rendered inside parent. Generated files are printed in a format suitable for inserting into the src/compile_manifest.json


diorama generateCollection <ModelName> <generateModelAlso?>

Generates a new Backbone.Collection for the given ModelName. If you specify generateModelAlso? as true, the corresponding model will also be generated. Generated files are printed in a format suitable for inserting into the src/compile_manifest.json


diorama generateModel <ModelName>

Generates a new Backbone.Model for the given name. Generated files are printed in a format suitable for inserting into the src/compile_manifest.json

Compiling the app

diorama compile <watch>

Compiles compiles the files specied in src/compile_manifest.json. The files should be specified in the order you require them, in this format:


Backbone.Diorama Libraries

BackboneDiorama comes with a few extra classes to complete the backbone stack for building complete web applications:


Creates a DOM element designed for swapping views in and out of


Constructs a new managed region with a DOM element of the given tag name. Insert the new DOM element into the page using the $el attribute:

@mainRegion = new Backbone.Diorama.ManagedRegion('span')


Renders the given Backbone.View into the managedRegion's DOM element. If there has already been a Backbone.View rendered for the region, the existing view will be closed, calling onClose() on it, and then replacing it with the new view. This allows you to swap views into the region without having to manually clean up after old views.

managedRegion.showView(view1) # Render view 1 into managedRegion.$el
managedRegion.showView(view2) # Call view1.close() and view1.onClose(), render view2 into managedRegion.$el


Diorama controllers are designed to coordinate views in your application, and provide entry points to certain 'states' of your application. Routers in BackboneDiorama projects only handle URLs reading and setting, but defer to controllers for the actual behavior. This example shows shows a typical blog post index and show page:

class Backbone.Controllers.PostsController extends Backbone.Diorama.Controller
  constructor: ->
    # Create a ManagedRegion to render views into
    @mainRegion = new Backbone.Diorama.ManagedRegion()

    # Start state

  index: =>
    postCollection = new Backbone.Collection.PostCollection()

    # Create a post index view, and show it in mainRegion
    indexView = new Backbone.Views.PostIndexView(postCollection: postCollection)

    # Listen to the Backbone object for a 'post:show' event,
    # then transition to the show state when it occurs
      {event: 'post:show', publisher: Backbone, newState: @show}

  show: (post) =>
    # Create a show view for the given post,
    # and show it in the @mainRegion
    showView = new Backbone.Views.PostShowView(post: post)

    # Listen to the showView for the 'back' event,
    # and return to the index when it occurs
      {event: 'back', publisher: showView, newState: @index}


A common pattern for Backbone applications is to nest views inside each other. For example a collection index view where each model in the collection gets a sub view. The advantage of this approach is that each sub view can listen for and respond to events about a particular model, removing the need for the collection view to be re-rendered.

Backbone.Diorama.NestingView makes it easy to stack views, as seen in this example PostIndexView

class Backbone.Views.PostIndexView extends Backbone.Diorama.NestingView
  template: JST['post_index_view']

  initialize: (options) ->
    @postCollection = options.postCollection # A Backbone.Collection

  render: =>
    # Close any existing views
    # Render template, creating subviews with view.addSubView (see template below)
    @$el.html(@template(view: @, posts: @postCollection.models))
    # Render sub views into the elements created by view.addSubView in the template

    return @

  onClose: ->
### post_index_view template ###
<h1>Post Index</h1>
  var i, il
  for(i = 0, il=posts.length; i<il; i++){
  <!-- Create a PostRowView for each post, and add it to the template with addSubView -->
  <%= view.addSubView(new Backbone.Views.PostRowView({model: posts[i]})) %>
<% } %>

Planned features

CRUD scaffold

diorama scaffold <ModelName> <fieldName:type> <fieldName2:type> ...

Will create a CRUD scaffold for a given model description. A good starting point to see how projects work together

Generate Collection View

diorama generate-collection-view <CollectionName>

Generates a collection view, which will list collection elements, generating


BackboneDiorama is written in coffeescript and is packaged as an NPM module. To install the package locally, in the project directory run:

sudo npm install -g

This will install the diorama command onto your system. On my node setup, this wasn't added to my PATH correct, so check the output for a line like:

npm info linkStuff backbone-diorama@0.0.1
/usr/local/share/npm/bin/diorama -> /usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/backbone-diorama/bin/diorama.coffee


Tests are written using mocha, and in the test/ folder (somewhat unsurprisingly). Run them with :

npm test

10 years ago


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11 years ago