1.1.0 • Published 7 years ago
backbone.react-bridge v1.1.0
A toolkit for transforming Backbone views to React components and vice versa. :rocket:
$ npm install --save-dev backbone.react-bridge
React Component :arrow_right: Backbone View
This function allows you to get a Backbone.View from a React component. It accepts as input a React Component instance or class along with some extra options.
Full blown example with available options:
const fooView = ReactBridge.viewFromComponent(FooComponent, {
// Provide a model for the Backbone.View
model: fooModel,
// Provide a collection for the Backbone.View
collection: fooCollection,
// By default the view gets re-rendered
// on model "change" and collection "add remove reset" events
// But you can override this using the `observe` property
observe: {
model: 'change',
collection: 'reset add remove'
// Define custom properties which will be passed to the React Component.
// In case that the properties overlap with the model attributes,
// the values of the model will be ovewritten.
props: {
title: 'Foo Title',
subtitle: 'Foo Subtitle'
// Customize the form of the properties which will be passed to the
// React Component. In case that 'getProps' is undefined, a composition
// of the model's attributes, the collection's values and the custom
// properties will be returned to the React Component
getProps() {
return {
titles: this.collection.map((m) => {title: m.get('title').toUpperCase()})
// Or if using Marionette.js
None of the options described above are required in order to use the viewFromComponent function.
Backbone View :arrow_right: React Component
This function allows you to get a React component from a Backbone view. It accepts either a Backbone.View instance or class along with some extra options.
Full blown example with available options:
const Bar = ReactBridge.componentFromView(BarView, {
// Override the default tagName of the element which will wrap
// the React Component. If not provided, the default tagName
// according to Backbone will be used
tagName: 'ul',
// Add a custom class on the element which will wrap the React Component
className: 'barClass',
// Using Redux? We got you covered!
// You can define actions that will be dispatched when
// specific events are triggered from the Backbone View.
// This feature requires a reference of the store's dispatch function
eventsToActions : {
// Dispatch a "BAR_SUBMIT" action when a "submit" event is triggered by the view
'submit': () => ({type: 'BAR_SUBMIT'})
// A reference to the Redux store's dispatch function. This function is
// used to dispatch the actions registered via the eventToActions option
dispatch: store.dispatch
ReactDOM.render(<Bar />, document.querySelector('#bar'));
None of the options described above are required in order to use the componentFromView function.
$ npm install
$ npm start
Enjoy! :blush:
$ npm run build
Test & Coverage
$ npm run coverage