0.1.1 • Published 8 years ago

backup-mongodb v0.1.1

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Last release
8 years ago


This module will backup mongodb into .json files, archive it into .zip file that is then send to provided emil address using nodemailer automatically


I wrote this module as a simple straight forward module for backing up mongodb. I also realized that I need the backup file in an external environment other than the server (which of course is the essence of backup). Thus, I added the feature to zip the output .json files and then send them to an email using nodemailer. From the email, I can access the files and use them for restoration anytime later.

The backup output files are named in the format dbName_day_month_year.hour.mins.second e.g. test_21_9_16.4.33.0

This makes it easy to know which file is the latest backup and for reference sake

After using this module to create a backup, you can use the accompanying module backup-mongodb-restorer to restore the .zip file to the database

Please read on to get full understanding of how it works.


npm install -save backup-mongodb

Usage Example

Without Email Configuration

var dbUri = "mongodb://";

//example dbUri with username and password for the database test
// var dbUri = "mongodb://username:pwd@";

var basePath = "./backup";
var Backup = require("backup-mongodb");

new Backup(dbUri, basePath).backup();

//optionally you can call new Backup(dbUri, basePath).backup(done);
//where done is the callback to be called when done

With Email Configuration

var dbUri = "mongodb://";

//example dbUri with username and password for the database test
// var dbUri = "mongodb://username:pwd@";

var basePath = "./backup";
var Backup = require("backup-mongodb");

//========= email configs ========

var emailSubject = "DATABASE BACKUP"; 
var emailText = "This email contains an attachment of the backup of your mongodb in zip format";

var smtpOptions = {
 	host: "your.mailserver.hostdomain.com",
	port: "the port on which your mail server is running",
	auth: {
		user: "your.username@your.mailhost.com",
		pass: "your password for the email user above"
	tls : { 
		rejectUnauthorized: false,
		secureProtocol: "TLSv1_method"

	var emailOptions = {
		from: "sender.email@something.com",
		to: "receiver.email@something.com",
		subject: emailSubject,
		text: emailText

//======== now do the backup ==========

new Backup(dbUri, basePath, smtpOptions, emaiOptions).backup();

//optionally you can call new Backup(dbUri, basePath, smtpOptions, emaiOptions).backup(done);
//where done is the callback to be called when done


* To know more about the smtpOptions and emailOptions, kindly head over to the docs of

nodemailer project.

* You have to supply both the smtpOptions and emailOptions for your zip file to be sent to the designated email address.

* Provide the authentication to the desired database in the dbUri string

API Reference


* dbUri [required]: the uri of the desired database

* basePath: The output folder e.g. "./backup"

* smtpOptions [required for email] {
		host: "your.mailserver.hostdomain.com",
		port: "the port on which your mail server is running",
		auth: {
			user: "your.username@your.mailhost.com",
			pass: "your password for the email user above"
		tls : { 
			//optional but useful config for non-secure/secure connection
			rejectUnauthorized: false,
			secureProtocol: "TLSv1_method"

* emailOptions [required for email] {
		from: "sender.email@something.com",
		to: "receiver.email@something.com",
		subject: "Email Subject",
		text: "Email Body text"


  • Always check your spam folder for emails sent as some may end up there. Which you can mark as not spam for future cases

  • Please I strongly recommend, if you haven't yet, that you go and read the nodemailer documentation for more understanding of the email config options

  • Provide the authentication to the desired database in the dbUri string


clone this git repo and cd into it.

then run $ npm install to install all the dependencies

then run the command $ npm test to run the tests


  • You will need to have make installed on your system to run the test for windows

  • If you want to run on other OS other than windows, you might want to Open the makefile in the project root dir and then change the path separator in .\node_modules.bin\mocha


Author: Seun Matt (twitter @SeunMmatt2)

To contribute to this project kindly create a pull request. Open an issue for discussion for the added feature(s)


MIT License