0.3.5 • Published 11 years ago

bagpipe v0.3.5

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11 years ago

Bagpipe 中文

You are the bagpiper.


It is convenient for us to use asynchronism or concurrent to promote our business speed in Node. While, if the amount of concurrent is too large, our server may not support, such that we need to limit the amount of concurrent. Though, the http module contains http.Agent to control the amount of sockets, usually, our asynchronous API has packaged in advance. It is not realistic to change the inner API agent, let’s realize it on our own logical layer.


npm install bagpipe


The APIs exposed by Bagpipe only include constructor and instance methods push.

Under original status, we may execute concurrent like this, forming 100 concurrent asynchronous invokes.

for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  async(function () {
    // Asynchronous call

If need to limit concurrency, what is your solution? Solution from Bagpipe as follows:

var Bagpipe = require('bagpipe');
// Sets the max concurrency as 100
var bagpipe = new Bagpipe(10);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
  bagpipe.push(async, function () {
    // execute asynchronous callback

Yes, invoke method only splits method、parameter and callback, then delivery it to bagpipe through push.

How does it like compared with your anticipated solution?


Bagpipe delivers invoke into inner queue through push. If active invoke amount is less than max concurrent, it will be popped and executed directly, or it will stay in the queue. When an asynchronous invoke ends, a invoke in the head of the queue will be popped and executed, such that assures active asynchronous invoke amount no larger than restricted value.

When the queue length is larger than 100 or twice larger than max concurrent number, Bagpipe object will fire its full event, which delivers the queue length value. The value helps to assess business performance. For example:

bagpipe.on('full', function (length) {
  console.warn('Button system cannot deal on time, queue jam, current queue length is:’+ length);

Module status

The unit testing status: Build Status. Unit test coverage 100%.

Best Practices

  • Ensure that the last parameter of the asynchronous invoke is callback.
  • Listen to the full event, adding your business performance assessment.
  • Current asynchronous method has not supported context yet. Ensure that there is no this reference in asynchronous method. If there is this reference in asynchronous method, please use bind pass into correct context.
  • Asynchronous invoke should process method to deal with timeout, it should ensure the invoke will return in a certain time no matter whether the business has been finished or not.

Real case

When you want to traverse file directories, asynchrony can ensure full use of IO. You can invoke thousands of file reading easily. But, system file descriptions are limited. If disobedient, read this article again when occurring errors as follows.

Error: EMFILE, too many open files

Someone may consider dealing it with synchronous method. But, when synchronous, CPU and IO cannot be used concurrently, performance is an indefeasible index under certain condition. You can enjoy concurrent easily, as well as limit concurrent with Bagpipe.

var bagpipe = new Bagpipe(10);

var files = ['Here are many files'];
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
  // fs.readFile(files[i], 'utf-8', function (err, data) {
  bagpipe.push(fs.readFile, files[i], 'utf-8', function (err, data) {
    // won’t occur error because of too many file descriptions
    // well done


Released under the license of MIT, welcome to enjoy open source.