2.1.1 • Published 8 years ago
balance-growth v2.1.1
Calculate monthly balance growth over time.
npm install balance-growth
Getting start-of-month and end-of-month balances
Transaction amounts are added after the last day of the month and before the first day of the following month.
import {MonthlyBalanceAdjuster} from 'balance-growth';
const adjuster = new MonthlyBalanceAdjuster();
const balances = adjuster.getMonthlyBalances({
balances: [
{ date: '2016-11-01', balance: 100 },
{ date: '2016-11-15', balance: 328 },
{ date: '2016-12-03', balance: 564 }
transactions: [
{ date: '2016-11-02', amount: 200 },
{ date: '2016-12-02', amount: 200 }
maxDate: '2017-01-01'
{ "month": "2016-11", "balance": 100, "eomBalance": 160 },
{ "month": "2016-12", "balance": 360, "eomBalance": 364 }
Getting balance growth (%) per month
import {BalanceGrowth} from 'balance-growth';
const calculator = new BalanceGrowth();
const growth = calculator.getGrowth({
balances: [
{ date: '2016-11-01', balance: 100 },
{ date: '2016-11-15', balance: 328 },
{ date: '2016-12-03', balance: 564 }
transactions: [
{ date: '2016-11-02', amount: 200 },
{ date: '2016-12-02', amount: 200 }
maxDate: '2017-01-01'
{ "month": "2016-11", "balance": 100, "eomBalance": 160, "growth": 60 },
{ "month": "2016-12", "balance": 360, "eomBalance": 364, "growth": 1 }
60% growth in november and 1% growth in december
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