0.0.7 • Published 4 years ago
ballchasing v0.0.7
This package provides a wrapper around the ballchasing.com API.
npm i ballchasing
yarn add ballchasing
Quick Start
const {BallChasingAPI} = require("ballchasing");
const bc = new BallChasingAPI("your-api-key-here");
;(async () => {
// ping the ballchasing.com api server
// This tests connectivity to the server
// and your API key
const pingResponse = await bc.ping();
// get a list of maps
const mapsResponse = await bc.getMaps();
// get replays by player "noot" from Jan 1 2020 to Jan 1 2021 on map "park_p"
// sorted ascending by the date of the replay
const replaysResponse = await bc.listReplays({
playerName: "noot",
createdAfter: "2020-01-01T00:00:00-05:00",
createdBefore: "2021-01-01T00:00:00-05:00",
map: "park_p",
sortBy: "replay-date",
sortDir: "asc"