1.3.0 • Published 6 years ago
bananapi v1.3.0
A wrapper to use the https://bananapi.ml API which has some fun endpoints
npm install bananapi
You need a key to use this API to get one, we use discordapp to manage users and give out api keys so to apply you need to join our discord server using the link https://discord.gg/3Nxb7yZ and once your in run b.apply
command by sending it in chat
const BananAPI = require("bananapi");
const fs = require("fs").promises;
const api = new BananAPI.Client({ token: "Your Token Goes here" });
(async() => {
// Ping API for reponse time
const ping = await api.ping();
console.log(`Pong! ${ping} ms`);
const reversed = await api.reverse("Hello, World!");
const eball = await api.eightball("Some question?");
console.log(`8ball: ${eball.response}, positive: ${eball.isPositive}`);
// Image endpoints
const image = await api.trumptweet("Hello");
await fs.writeFile("./image.png", image);
Discord.js example, sending attachments
// Note we required both but you need just one depending on your version
// v11.x.x stable is Attachment
// v12.0.0 dev is MessageAttachment
const { Attachment, MessageAttachment } = require("discord.js");
const image = await api.disabled("something");
message.channel.send(new MessageAttachment(image, "file.png"));
TypeScript typings gets installed by default, you can use it straight with TypeScript and even if you are not the typings gives a nice intellisense code suggestion on editors like Visual Studio Code
Here is an example using TypeScript
import { Client } from "bananapi";
const client: Client = new Client({ token: "my token" });
.then((reversed: string) => {
console.log(reversed); // => tpircSepyT