1.2.2 • Published 3 years ago

banco-chain-sdk v1.2.2

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Last release
3 years ago


banco-chain-sdk-nodejs uses a modified version of Semantic Versioning for all changes.

Supported Node.js Versions

This library supports the following Node.js implementations:

  • Node.js 12
  • Node.js 14
  • Node.js 16

TypeScript is supported for TypeScript version 2.9 and above.


The preferred way to install the Banco Chain SDK for Node.js is to use the npm package manager for Node.js. Simply type the following into a terminal window:

npm install banco-chain-sdk --save


To use the TypeScript definition files within a Node.js project, simply import banco-chain-sdk as you normally would.

In a TypeScript file:

import BancoChainSdk from 'banco-chain-sdk';

NOTE: You need to add "esModuleInterop": true to compilerOptions of your tsconfig.json. If not possible, use like import * as BancoChainSdk from 'banco-chain-sdk'.

In a JavaScript file:

const BancoChainSdk = require('banco-chain-sdk');


Create A Banco Chain Client Instance

Banco Chain client instance required appId, clientId, clientSecret and privateKey.


Create a Banco Chain client instance.


  • appId {String} application id you create on banco chain console website
  • clientId {String} client id you get from banco chain console website
  • clientSecret {String} client secret you get from banco chain console website
  • privateKey {String} The private key of key pair you upload on banco chain console website
  • keyType {String} Default PKCS1. The private key type, it must be one of PKCS1 or PKCS8. PKCS8: PRIVATE KEY, PKCS1: RSA PRIVATE KEY
  • gateway {String} Banco Chain Openapi endpoint. Default https://openapi.bancochain.com/api. Please see endpoints.
  • timeout {Number} The timeout interval, in milliseconds, to use for the request, default is 5s.
  • version {String} The version of openapi. Please see endpoints.
  • charset {String} Fixed to utf-8.


  1. basic usage

In a TypeScript file:

import BancoChainSdk from 'banco-chain-sdk';

const sdk = new BancoChainSdk({
  appId: '53900923',
  clientId: 'OD8olwq7lTkh1xbf',
  clientSecret: 'uT5GcQRI1vo4edxQ',
  privateKey: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----',

In a JavaScript file:

const BancoChainSdk = require('banco-chain-sdk');

const sdk = new BancoChainSdk({
  appId: '53900923',
  clientId: 'OD8olwq7lTkh1xbf',
  clientSecret: 'uT5GcQRI1vo4edxQ',
  privateKey: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----',
  1. use staging endpoint

In a TypeScript file:

import BancoChainSdk from 'banco-chain-sdk';

const sdk = new BancoChainSdk({
  appId: '53900923',
  clientId: 'OD8olwq7lTkh1xbf',
  clientSecret: 'uT5GcQRI1vo4edxQ',
  privateKey: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----',
  gateway: 'https://openapi-staging.bancochain.com/api',

In a JavaScript file:

const BancoChainSdk = require('banco-chain-sdk');

const sdk = new BancoChainSdk({
  appId: '53900923',
  clientId: 'OD8olwq7lTkh1xbf',
  clientSecret: 'uT5GcQRI1vo4edxQ',
  privateKey: '-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----...-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----',
  gateway: 'https://openapi-staging.bancochain.com/api',


Authentication with the Banco Chain API uses an Access Token to identify a client.

Server-side authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) is the most common way to authenticate to the Banco Chain API. JWT is an open standard designed to allow powerful server-to-server authentication.


Request an Access Token using server-side JWT assertion.


  • options {Object} options parameters, default is null
    • log {Object} The object of logger
      • info {Function} The recording info log function of logger
      • error {Function} The recording error log function of logger

Returns a new Access Token that can be used to make authenticated API calls by passing along the token in a authorization header as follows Authorization: Bearer <Token>.

  • success {Boolen} Whether this API is called successfully.
  • errorCode {Number} The error code
  • errorMessage {String} The error message
  • data
    • access_token {String} The token used to access Banco Chain API. Max length: 4096 characters.
    • expires_in {Number} The remaining lifetime of the access token. The value begins at 3600. This is in seconds (one hour).


const data = await sdk.token({
  log: ctx.logger,


  "success": false,
  "data": {
    "access_token": "5bf0c488d3732be6f54d71389ec8e4297675bc11d4a37da86a83d2cb6b99f7d6",
    "expires_in": 86400
  "errorCode": 0,
  "errorMessage": "Success"

Using the Client to Make API Calls

The different API endpoints you can call are represented as methods, grouped into managers by the type of object they interact with.

.exec(accessToken, method, params , options)


  • accessToken {String} The token used to access Banco Chain API
  • method {String} Must be one of GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.
  • params {Object | Array} The data you need request
  • options {Object} options parameters, default is null
    • log {Object} The object of logger
      • info {Function} The recording info log function of logger
      • error {Function} The recording error log function of logger

Success will return:

  • success {Boolen} Whether this API is called successfully.
  • errorCode {Number} The error code
  • errorMessage {String} The error message
  • data {Any} The response data


const result = await sdk.exec(accessToken, 'GET', 'program/vendor', {
  no: 'TEST0006',


	"success": true,
	"data": {
		"fabric": [{
			"record": {
				"docType": "",
				"NO": "TEST0006",
				"supplierName": "",
				"supplierUEN": "",
				"approvedBuyerName": "",
				"approvedBuyerUEN": "",
				"agreementDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"invoiceDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"invoiceDueDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"invoiceNumber": "",
				"invoiceValue": "",
				"invoiceCurrency": "",
				"invoicePurchaseDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z",
				"financed": false,
				"registryUpdatedDatetime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"
			"txId": "41a942318557a9993dd2b3abfef435c18da7778a1a225ac8ea85f1d000f31fd6",
			"timestamp": "2022-06-06T11:13:28.158Z",
			"isDelete": true
	"errorCode": 0,
	"errorMessage": "Success"




  • params {Object | Array} The data you need signature

Success will return:

  • clientId {String} client id you get from banco chain console website
  • timestamp {String} The current timestamp of signature
  • sign {String} Calculated signature


const result = sdk.signOpenRequest({
  no: 'TEST0006',


	"clientId": "OD8olwq7lTkh1xbf",
	"timestamp": "1654764284065",
	"no": "TEST0006",
	"sign": "WTmD4obINgykYXKEUUAzAA+rbyQgIMMj9r/iEdCwkRZGOgJOF4JRW05oqr2+UpSyHHi3t6I2PIImfUlbZdHPQZ3oIWkK0yCnOTy52bhKxOz2aTXX+LSC3nB6qS8UlHWSS0Vt0wiiQQTBg+4GrMI/EqruKCHRw3dBnim0pxeGRs5qcuitqqW48s629ylZwWbrTT9ihG1/ZIpRyfNAlEwsZwVBO/YRZgaxTrgjZIGPD9hwkEo/gsNiOlTq0uFeFaGeo25UaEkcBw8JZrL6y1NJncW58ajYCSp2Op3zV6U0kKyJG0loccTJTn6B5VMgAUOPo+mVE7cGbd7nfElnlbK7aA=="


environmentendpointlatest api version

Known Errors