1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

baseliblib v1.0.0

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Last release
7 years ago


Libre 1.0 application service

Author: Yuri yuri@hubub.com


  1. Node.js, There are two options for installing Node.js on Mac OS X:
    • Download and install the binaries from Node.js (Easier, but not recommended!)
    • Using Homebrew, which is a better option: 1. First install XCode Command Line Tools, xcode-select --install 2. Install Homebrew, visit Homebrew, or ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/Homebrew/homebrew/go/install)" 3. Run brew doctor 4. Run brew install node
  2. Node Packaged Modules (or Node Package Manager), npm, which should be installed along with Node
  3. Grunt, JavaScript Task Runner, npm install -g grunt-cli visit Grunt for more information
  4. Gulp, Same as Grunt, npm install --global gulp, npm install --save-dev gulp


  • Go to the folder node, run npm install command
  • For later updates, run npm update

Gulp Tasks (recommended)

  • gulp development starts node application on port 3000 in debug mode and nodemon for development and debugging

Grunt Tasks (deprecated)

  • grunt development starts node application on port 3000 in debug mode, runs node-inspector on port 8080 and nodemon for development and debugging
  • grunt production does nothing, for now
