0.1.2 • Published 5 years ago

basics.scss v0.1.2

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Last release
5 years ago


Basics.scss is a micro util library with the most often used classes.

Getting started

Import basics.css file into your .js file directly

import "basics.scss/dist/basics.css";

Or import it into your .scss, .sass or .styl file

@import "node_modules/basics.scss/dist/basics.css";


You can change variables to customise distance, size, and color.

// Used for fonts
$fontReg: 1em;
$fontSm: 0.8em;
$fontLg: 1.5em;
$fontXl: 2em;
$fontSlim: 300;
$fontMed: 400;
$fontBold: 600;
$fontXBold: 700;

// Base white color
$colorWhite: #fff;

// Used for margins and paddings
$distanceSm: 0.5em;
$distanceMd: 1em;
$distanceLg: 2em;
$distanceXl: 4em;

For that, you need to import basics-custom.scss file that has no vars:

@import 'your-vars-file.scss';
@import "node_modules/basics.scss/src/basics-custom.scss";



flex - display flex

flex-start - justify-content: flex-start

flex-center - justify-content: center

flex-end - justify-content: flex-end

flex-between - justify-content: space-between

flex-around - justify-content: space-around

flex-top - align-items: flex-start

flex-middle - align-items: center

flex-bottom - align-items: flex-end

flex-stretch - align-items: stretch

flex-column - flex-direction: column

flex-wrap - flex-wrap: wrap

flex-{1-3} - flex-grow: {1-3}, e.g. flex-1 would be { flex-grow: 1; }

self-start - flex-start

self-center - align-self: center

self-end - align-self: flex-end

Margins and Paddings

Margins and paddings work in the same principle {margin|padding}-{side}-{size}, where {side} is optional if you want to set the same margin/padding on all sides.

{side} can be one of top, right, bottom, or left.

{size} has sm, md, lg, and xl. Those can be customized with your own sizes.

So you'd use it in this way

<div class="margin-top-md">...</div>
<div class="margin-bottom-lg">...</div>

<p class="padding-left-sm">...</p>
<p class="padding-right-xl">...</p>

<span class="margin-sm">...</span> // sets margin: $sm;
<span class="margin-auto">...</span> // sets margin for left and right as auto

There are also zero margin and padding classes that set either all or one of the sides to 0. They are structured as no-{margin|padding}-{side}, where {side} is optional. So that would be

<div class="no-margin">...</div> // sets margin: 0
<div class="no-padding-left">...</div> // sets padding-left: 0
<div class="no-margin-top">...</div> // sets margin-top: 0


All the style changes that can be done with text are prefixed with text-, i.e.

text-underline // sets text-decoration: underline;
text-slim // sets font-weight: $fontSlim;
text-medium // sets font-weight: $fontMed;
text-bold // font-weight: $fontBold;
text-xbold // sets font-weight: $fontXBold;
text-center // sets text-align: center;
text-right // sets text-align: right;
text-uppercase // sets text-transform: uppercase;
text-lowercase // sets text-transform: lowercase;
text-sm // sets font-size: $fontSm;
text-regular // sets font-size: $fontReg;
text-lg // sets font-size: $fontLg;
text-xl // sets font-size: $fontXl;
text-italic // font-style: italic;
text-white // sets color: $colorWhite !important;


There are few more classes, similar to bootstrap that help with positioning of things on the page.

clear-{side} - sets clear on either of the sides or both, e.g. clear-both will be clear:both

pos-{absolute|relative} - sets positioning either absolute or relative, e.g. pos-absolute

no-list - sets list-style: none and padding-left: 0. Used for ul or li elements.

Designed and built by Nikita K.. Feel free to submit a pull request. Help is always appreciated.