1.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

basscss-responsive-margin v1.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago

Basscss Responsive Margin

Responsive margin utilities module for Basscss - http://basscss.com

Margin utilities are based on a global white space scale defined with variables. These utilities use a shorthand naming convention.

Naming Convention

Prefix Naming Convention

These styles follow the same breakpoint prefix convention as other Basscss modules.

Change or reset default margins using the global white space scale. Negative x-axis margins are used to offset padding. Margin auto is used to horizontally center block-level elements with a set width.

Larger margins at wider breakpoints

<div class="m1 sm-m2 md-m3 lg-m4">Hamburger</div>

Larger grid gutters at wider breakpoints

When combined with basscss-grid and basscss-responsive-padding, grid gutters can be changed at different breakpoints.

<div class="clearfix mxn2 md-mxn3">
  <div class="col col-6 px2 md-px3">Column</div>
  <div class="col col-6 px2 md-px3">Column</div>