2.1.1 • Published 9 years ago
batchman v2.1.1
Worker process scheduler which takes a file and cron pattern and runs in a Docker container.
To implement a job create a new Dockerfile and inherit from gimanzo/batchman:
Create the Dockerfile
FROM gimanzo/batchman
ADD package.json /app/package.json
RUN cd /app && npm install --production --unsafe-perm
ADD . /app
CMD cd /app/ && \
pm2 start app.js -f -- -j ./job.js && \
pm2 logs
Create the app.js file
How easy could it be - just reference batchman and you're done!
Create the job
In the job file job.js
implement the job as in the following example:
var JobBase = require('batchman').JobBase;
var util = require('util');
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
var SampleJob = function () {
this.name = 'daily_mailer';
util.inherits(SampleJob, JobBase);
function sendEmail(that) {
that.emit(that.eventNames.progress, {name: 'mailing'});
SampleJob.prototype.execute = function () {
var that = this;
that.emit(that.eventNames.start, 'Starting');
return that;
exports.Job = SampleJob;
Finally build and run the container
docker build -t [myrepo]/report_worker:latest .
docker run -e "BATCHMAN_CRON_PATTERN=*/5 * * * * *" [myrepo]/report_worker