0.0.4 • Published 9 years ago

bbb-tcs34725 v0.0.4

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Last release
9 years ago


A JavaScript driver for the TCS34725 RGB sensor. Modified from the original https://github.com/johnnyman727/rgb-tcs34725 for BeagleBoneBlack (BBB). Use it to find the red, green, blue, or clear levels of anything you point it at. The API gives you access to the raw RGBC data, color temperatures, and lux intensity. You can buy the breakout board from Adafruit.

Breakout Image

The chip also has support for threshold interrupts on the clear channel and those APIs have been implemented here but not fully tested.


npm install BBB-TCS34725

Hardware Connections to Tessel

You can connect the module to the following the ports on BBB:

VIN -> Unconnected


3V3 -> 3V3



INT -> GPIO_26 // configurable

LED -> GPIO_61 // configurable

Example Usage

//var tessel = require('tessel');
var rgbLib = require('../');
//var rgb = rgbLib.use(tessel.port.A);
var rgb = rgbLib.use({ 
  "bus"     : "/dev/i2c-1", 
  "led_pin" : "P8_14", // will be ignored if not set
  "irq_pin" : "P8_26", // will be ignored if not set
  "module_id" : 0x44   // hardware ID as returned by i2c module, will be ignored if not set

var ledON = false;
rgb.on('ready', function() {
  setInterval(function() {
    rgb.getRawData(function(err, colors) {
      if (err) throw err;

      console.log('RED:', colors.red);
      console.log('GREEN:', colors.green);
      console.log('BLUE:', colors.blue);
      console.log('CLEAR:', colors.clear);
    ledON = !ledON;
  }, 1000);



library.use({ "bus" : "/dev/i2c-1", ...}, callback) initializes the module on the port of a microcontroller. It returns the rgb object and the callback has the form of callback(err, rgb).

rgb.getRawData(err, colors) returns rgbc data. colors has red, green, blue, and clear properties. Each of the colors is a 16 bit number.

rgb.calculateColorTemperature(callback(err, temp)) returns the color temperature as a 16 bit number representing Kelvins. The temperature it returns is in units of Kelvin.

rgb.calculateLux(callback(err, lux)) returns the light intensity as a 16 bit number that represents the light intensity.

rgb.enable(callback(err)) enables the module to read colors. It is called automatically when the use function is called.

rgb.disable() can be used to put the module to sleep and reduce power consumption. Call rgb.enable() to wake it back up.

rgb.setIntegrationTime(time, callback) sets the amount of time integrating values from an ADC (which determines color). Longer times produce more accurate numbers at low light levels. Available times can be found with rgb.integrationTimes.

rgb.setGain(gain, callback) sets the gain of the ADC. Available gains can be found with rgb.gains.