1.1.0 • Published 6 years ago
bbredis-recovery v1.1.0
Redis Recovery
This sub-repo contains tools for recovering the state of the destination sender redis servers from data stored in the kafka clearing topics
This application requires node.js version 11 or 12, plus the Yarn package manager.
# clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:bitbrew/hub-tools
# install packages
cd hub-tools/redis-recovery
Or install with npm or yarn
# Using npm
npm i -g bbredis-recovery
# Using yarn
yarn global add bbredis-recovery
# Working within the repository
# Working with the globally installed tool
All examples will use 'redis-recovery' rather than the local js file.
Getting help
redis-recovery --help
Configure Kafka Settings
redis-recovery kafka-config 9092 test-topic 50
Configure Redis Settings
redis-recovery redis-config 6379 Keen
Display Current Config
redis-recovery config
Export Recovery Data From Kafka
redis-recovery kafka-export
This may take a number of seconds or minutes to complete. When completed the output to the console will look similar to:
Using the following config:
Kafka topic: test-topic
Kafka partitons: 50
Kafka host:
Kafka port: 9092
Kafka log level: 2
Redis host:
Redis port: 6379
Redis destination: Keen
✔ Initializing Kafka consumer
✔ Getting retry batches not followed by closed batches
✔ Processed 100106 records
✔ Retrieving count of queued detinations
✔ Processed 100106 records
✔ Writing results to output-kafka.json
Export Redis State
redis-recovery redis-export
This should take only a few seconds, following which the console output will be similar to:
Using the following config:
Kafka topic: test-topic
Kafka partitons: 50
Kafka host:
Kafka port: 9092
Kafka log level: 2
Redis host:
Redis port: 6379
Redis destination: Keen
✔ Retrieving retry batches
✔ Writing results to output-redis-retry.json
✔ Retriving clearing state
✔ Writing results to output-redis-clearing.json
Import Redis State
redis-recovery redis-import
This will only take a few seconds to complete. The output will give a list of the destination- partition's that were updated in Redis:
Using the following config:
Kafka topic: test-topic
Kafka partitons: 50
Kafka host:
Kafka port: 9092
Kafka log level: 2
Redis host:
Redis port: 6379
Redis destination: Keen
✔ Loading update file output-kafka.json
✔ Updating destination-partition 3d9eb6eb-3698-4f00-bfc7-a03d49b1efb7:49
✔ Updating destination-partition f07f8701-3ca5-4d4d-b896-3bccfea68d25:49