0.0.3 • Published 6 months ago

be-joined v0.0.3

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6 months ago


Allow values from microdata and form elements and host properties to be combined together (interpolated).

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Example 1:

  <div itemscope>
    <meta itemprop=protocol content=https>
    <meta itemprop=domain content=docs.joshatz.com>
    <meta itemprop=articleType content=cheatsheets>
    <!-- <meta itemprop=language content=js> -->
    <input id=language value=js>
    <!-- <meta itemprop=topic content=classes> -->
    <input name=topic value=classes>

    <meta itemprop=section content=basic-improved---prototype-definition>
    <a -href="{$protocol}://{$domain}/{@articleType}/{#language}/{#language}-{@topic}/#{$section}" be-joined
    >Basic, Improved - Prototype Definition</a>

results in:

<a href=https://docs.joshuatz.com/cheatsheets/js/js-classes/#basic-improved---prototype-definition>Basic, Improved - Prototype Definition</a>

Special Symbols

As we've seen above, we will encounter special symbols used in order to keep the statements small. A summary of those symbols is shown below

/propName"Hostish"Pulls in values from the "host".
@propNameName attributePulls in values from form elements using name attribute.
$propNameItemprop attributePulls in values from microdata elements with itemprop attribute.
#propNameId attributePulls in values from elements identified ia the id.
-prop-nameMarker indicates propPulls in values from nearest "upsearch" element matching the attribute.

"Hostish" means:

  1. First, do a "closest" for an element with attribute itemscope, where the tag name has a dash in it. Do that search recursively.
  2. If no match found, use getRootNode().host.

HTML5 compliance TODO

To be HTML5 compliant, use data-- instead:

  <div itemscope>
    <meta itemprop=protocol content=https>
    <meta itemprop=domain content=docs.joshatz.com>
    <meta itemprop=articleType content=cheatsheets>
    <!-- <meta itemprop=language content=js> -->
    <input id=language value=js>
    <!-- <meta itemprop=topic content=classes> -->
    <input name=topic value=classes>

    <meta itemprop=section content=basic-improved---prototype-definition>
    <a data-derive-href-from="{$protocol}://{$domain}/{@articleType}/{#language}/{#language}-{@topic}/#{$section}" be-joined
    >Basic, Improved - Prototype Definition</a>

Example 2 Untested

      <a -href="{protocol}://{domain}/{articleType}/{language}/{language}-{topic}/#{section}" be-joined
      >Basic, Improved - Prototype Definition</a>

In this example, when no symbols are provided (or slash is used), we assume the property values should come from the host (ish)

Viewing Demos Locally

Any web server that can serve static files will do, but...

  1. Install git.
  2. Fork/clone this repo.
  3. Install node.js.
  4. Open command window to folder where you cloned this repo.
  5. npm install

  6. npm run serve

  7. Open http://localhost:3030/demo/ in a modern browser.

Running Tests

> npm run test

Using from ESM Module:

import 'be-joined/be-joined.js';

Using from CDN:

<script type=module crossorigin=anonymous>
    import 'https://esm.run/be-joined';