1.0.7 • Published 4 years ago

beautilites v1.0.7

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Last release
4 years ago


A lightweight set of handy utilities for Javascript and Typescript.


Beautilities can be used in both node and browser environments. Install it using npm:\ npm install beautilities.

Types are bundled, as are .map files for help with debugging.


Javascript is awesome. It's a dynamic, powerful, and most importantly, fun language. It rules the web. And thanks to ECMAScript and Typescript, its evolution continues. It has a slew of fantastic general and specific utility libraries, like:

and so on. To these we can add Beautilities: a set of very handy functions for commonplace requirements like changing the casing of strings (and entire objects), comparing arrays, capitalising strings, parsing and formatting dates, working with currencies, simple wait functions, generating IDs, and so on. This is an ultra-lightweight library that'll save you time, energy, and bytes. Beautilities is also an ever-evolving project; there are no doubt more things to add, as in time there will be things to take away. Such is the nature of software.


Containing the following modules, Beautilities is arranged very simplistically:

  • array (Manipulation and comparison for arrays.)
  • object (Manipulation and comparison for objects.)
  • string (Manipulation and comparison for string.)
  • countries (Built-in data and useful functions for working with country names and codes.)
  • currencies (Built-in data and useful functions for working with currencies.)
  • datetime (Conversion, formatting, and parsing functions for dates and times.)
  • id (Generating random IDs of defined length, using crytpo is available.)
  • typescript (Functions and types that address Typescript deficiencies.)
  • misc (Set of functions without an appropriate catch-all namespace.)

Everything is commented and strong-typed. Very handy is the naming convention of methods specific to data types; for example, all string manipulation function names begin with str. Your code editors intellisense will present a popup as soon as you type 'str', and you'll be able to quickly select the required function. The same goes for objects, e.g., objCamelifyKeys.

Popular Functions

countryToCode Convert a country full name to its ISO two- or three-letter code.\ getCurrency Get useful information about a currency such as the symbol, plural name, and decimal points.\ genId Generate a strong ID. Crypto will be used if it's available, e.g., in Node.js.\ wait A simple promise which resolves after a defined number of seconds.\ paramOptionsToString Convert a key-value parameter map to an API-friendly string.\ strSnakeToCamel Convert snake (or underscore_casing) case string to camelCase.\ isDomainOrURL Check whether a string is a domain or a URL.\ strCapitalise Capitalise the first letter of a string.\ objOmitProp Omit specific properties from an object by key names.\ objIsEqual Compare two objects for equality.\ objKeyFromValue Get a property's key name from it's value.\ objFlatten Completely flatten an object, regardless of nesting.\ objArrDeepMerge Merge objects and the contained arrays.\ Typescript LiteralUnion Combine literal types with non-literals, thereby avoiding linting and compile errors.\ Typescript Omit Omit a property from an interface using its key.\ Typescript OmitKey Omit a non-typed property from an interface.\ Typescript DeepOptional Make all properties at every of an interface optional.\

Real-world Usage

Beautilities is used by several companies from a range of different domains. The growing list includes PrestoKast, MyPT, Hamperess, Didakt.io, and The Todo App.