0.2.1 • Published 7 years ago

becca v0.2.1

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7 years ago


Becca is a build tool and task runner for the web built on the following principles:

  • The build configuration should map to what you're tying to do.
  • Asset transformations should be flexible and composable.
  • No assumptions should be made about the user's project layout.

Becca uses a simple, composable set of transformations that can be chained together and applied to a set of files. It works essentially like gulp's piping system with a cleaner api. Becca is very alpha, but can already do some handy work.


Let's look at an example pipeline.

// beccaconfig.js

becca(['styles/homepage.styl', 'styles/interior.styl'])

The becca function defines a pipeline for two stylus files. They are first compiled into css through the stylus filter. The results are saved in public/css. Becca filters keep track of the files types and paths, so the .styl extension is automatically replaced with the .css extension. The files are then minified using the clean_css filter, combined into one file with the combine filter and saved in the public/css directory since it was the last used.

Pipelines can also feed into other pipelines such as the following:

var stylus_files = becca('styles/*.styl')

var stylesheets = becca(stylus_files, 'styles/*.css')

In this case, the stylus files are compiled, then fed into the stylesheets pipeline which minifies the stylesheets and saves them to the to the public directory.

All pipelines are automatically included in the build and watch tasks.


Becca has three tasks by default: build, watch, and serve. Tasks can also be user defined using the becca.task function. Becca tasks are what get run when you pass a command to becca. For example, running becca serve will start the serve task. If no task if given, the build task is run by default. Multiple tasks can be run by separating them with commas such as becca build, watch, serve.

Tasks can also be run manually by calling the run method which accepts either an arguments array which would be passed in through process.argv or an arguments object.

Default Tasks


The build task quite simply starts all the pipelines running.


The watch task monitors files for changes and makes updates accordingly. This is incremental, so when a file changes the entire pipeline isn't rerun, the file is just run through the pipeline again.


The serve task starts a static http server. It can take two optional arguments. The first positional argument sets the root directory. The --port argument sets the port for the server.

Basic Custom Task Example

This is a hello world task that will accept an optional command line argument of --name.

becca.task('hello', function(args) {
  console.log('Hello', args['name'] || 'world');

To call this task, run becca hello --name Douglas or becca hello.

Running pipelines from a task.

Another handy use of tasks is to run specific pipelines like below:

var styles = becca('styles/*.css')

var js = becca('js/*.js')

becca.task('js', function() {

becca.task('css', function() {

Manually calling a task

In this example, we will call hello_task from the task hello-chicago.

var hello_task = becca.task('hello', function(args) {
  console.log('Hello', args['name'] || 'world');

becca.task('hello-chicago', function() {
  hello_task.run({ name: 'Chicago' });


append('file_path'), prepend('file_path')

Append or prepend a file to the contents in the pipeline.

assert(function(state) { ... })

Runs a test function which accepts the current state as an argument. If the function does not return true, The pipeline halts for that file.

filter(condition), endfilter()

Filters can be used to limit which files are acted upon for a segment of the pipeline. For example:

becca('lib/jquery.min.js', 'js/*.js')

In this case, the uglify_js action will only run on the files that match the js/* glob.

You can also pass regular expressions and functions. Regular expressions match against the file path, while functions are passed a state variable and must return true for any file that should pass the filter.


Combines all files into a single file specified by the file_name parameter.

do(function(state, callback) { ... })

Do anything you want. For example:

.do(function(state, callback) {

do_sync(function(state) { ... })

.do_syncc(function(state) {

execute(executable, args)

Runs a system executable and pipes the current content to stdin. The results of stdout become the new content. The arguments for this command are exactly the arguments for child_process.spawn. The following example uses the pngquant executable to minify all png images before saving them to the public folder.

.execute('pngquant', [ '--quality=0-90', '-' ])

- ~~Composable pipelines (taking the results of a pipeline and pluging it into another)~~
- ~~Transparent plugin detection~~
- Pipeline branching
- ~~Extensible watch mode~~
- ~~Handle binary files properly~~
- ~~Watch globs, so adding a file that matches a pipeline glob will automatically be added to the pipeline when it is created, and files in a pipeline that are removed from the filesystem will automatically be removed from the pipeline.~~
- ~~Remove files from a pipeline when they are removed from the file system or renamed.~~
- Support source maps. These might be more generalized as "rider" files that ride along with your main files in the pipeline.

## Plugins to add

- Image Magic
- Babel
- TypeScript
- More markdown flavors
- Traceur
- Elm
- Less
- Autoprefixer
- CSScomb
- Handlebars
- Mustache
- Dust
- Emblem
- Marko
- jpegtran
- closure-compiler
- html-minifier
- Bless

7 years ago


8 years ago