1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

beerdom v1.0.0

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Last release
8 years ago

Beerdom Requirements

You'll need to install node.js locally to do anything on this project. https://nodejs.org

Installing node modules

Install node's http-server module globally. This will allow you to start a quick local web server in any directory.

npm install webpack-dev-server -g
npm install firebase-tools -g

Clone the Bitbucket repository locally

git clone https://username@bitbucket.org/teambeerdom/beerdom.git

Navigate to the beerdom source folder directory and run the following.

npm install

This should install all of the dependencies into a directory called "node_modules".

In the console run the following

webpack -w

This will compile all of the javascript, etc. and watch for changes that it should re-compile if you modify a source file.

In another console navigate to the beerdom source folder directory and run the following.

webpack-dev-server --content-base public/

That will create a web server on localhost port 8080 that routes all paths through index.html, which is important after the react-router upgrade.

Open a new browser window or tab. Go to the following:


This should open your default browser at the location specified.