0.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

behave-collection v0.1.0

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Last release
9 years ago


A collection class to simplify working with BehaveImmutable instances

Codeship Status for behavejs/behave-collection

BehaveImmutable models have a lot of great features but working with groups of them can be tough, BehaveCollection strives to make this a trivial thing.

If you are not familiar with the concepts of BehaveImmutable models then I would suggest reading up on them first. This will help you understand the API of BehaveCollection.


npm install --save behave-collection


import BC from 'behave-collection';
import BI from 'behave-immutable';

let collection = new BC([
    new BI({ some: 'value' }),
    new BI({ another: 'value' }),
    new BI({ arr: [1, 2, 3] })

/* accessing models */
// => { some: 'value' }

collection.range(0, 2);
// returns array of models in range (includes end index model)
// => [BehaveImmutabe, ..., BehaveImmutable]

collection.find({ some: 'value' });
// returns array of models containing values given
// => [BehaveImmutabe] || []

collection.findWhere({ some: 'value' });
// returns first model containing the values given
// => BehaveImmutabe || undefined

/* iterating over the collection */
collection.each(m => m.set({ updated: true }));
// => BehaveCollection

var rawJS = collection.map(m => m.toJS());
// => [{some: 'value'}, {another: 'value'}, {arr: [1, 2, 3]}]

var filteredModels = collection.filter(m => m.get().get('some') === 'value');
// get latest version of data, get `some` property from that data

/* quick extraction of collection data */
// => [{ some: 'value'  }, { another: 'value' }, { arr: [1, 2, 3] }]

// => [{ "some": "value" }, { "another": "value" }, { "arr": [1, 2, 3] }]

/* altering the collection */
collection.add(new BI({ model: true }));
// adds a model to the collection, fires add event unless opts.silent is true

var batched = collection.batch([
    new BI({ some: 'value' }),
    new BI({ another: 'value' }),
    new BI({ arr: [1, 2, 3] })
// returns array of added models, fires add event for each model unless opts.silent is true

var removed = collection.remove(collection.at(0)._id);
// removes a model from the collection, fires remove event unless opts.silent is true

// remove all models from the collection

// get count of models


Run npm install and then run npm test.

Release History

  • 0.1.0 Initial Release