0.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

belibit-instant v0.0.2

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4 years ago

Belibit Instant is a javascript implementation for BeliBitcoin API.

NPM installation:

npm install --save belibit-instant

Yarn Installation:

yarn add belibit-instant

To start using the library, you need to initialize the instance with your sourceId:

const sourceId = 'sample';
const environment = 'development'; // optional, default is production
const BI = new BelibitInstant(sourceId, environment);

There are 2 API covered in this library.

  1. Price Estimation
const prediction = await BI.predict({
	amount: 10000,
	inputCurrency: 'IDR',
	outputCurrency: 'BTC',
	source: 'fiat',

Example return value:

	"data": {
		"base": "ETH",
		"cost": {
			"amount": "100000",
			"currency": "IDR"
		"lastUpdate": 1583481471273,
		"predictionDirection": "RECEIVE",
		"price": "3331006.97906281",
		"quote": "IDR",
		"rate": "0.00000030",
		"receive": {
    		"amount": "0.03002095",
    		"currency": "ETH"
		"tradeDirection": "ASKS"
	"error": null

inputCurrency options: "IDR" outputCurrency options: "USDT", "BTC", "ETH", "DAI"

  1. Trade Conversion
const response = await BI.convert({
	inputCurrency: 'IDR',
	outputCurrency: 'BTC',
	phoneNumber: '+628123456789', // optional
	amount: 100000,
	username: 'anon',
	address: '3GB8jS8QGutd6bJWuSb3gF1WULf2Ut55KA',
	source: 'input',

Example return value:

  "data": {
    "blockNumber": null,
    "createdAt": 1583497197627,
    "deposit": {
      "address": "7899901940000424",
	  "amount": "1308500",
      "currency": "IDR",
      "tag": "BC ANON HCDWDOZ",
      "tagId": "Maybank Indonesia",
      "txN": null,
      "txid": null
    "error": null,
    "expiredAt": 1583497788000,
    "initial": {
      "address": "3GB8jS8QGutd6bJWuSb3gF1WULf2Ut55KA",
      "amount": "0.01000000",
      "currency": "BTC",
      "tag": null,
      "tagId": null,
      "txN": null,
      "txid": null
    "minerFee": {
      "amount": "0.00018",
      "currency": "BTC"
    "orderId": "1583497192148-973852",
    "price": "130850000.00000000",
    "rate": "0.00000001",
    "receive": {
      "address": "3GB8jS8QGutd6bJWuSb3gF1WULf2Ut55KA",
      "amount": "0.00982",
      "currency": "BTC",
      "tag": null,
      "tagId": null,
      "txN": null,
      "txid": null
    "revert": null,
    "sourceId": "sample",
    "status": "WAITING_DEPOSIT",
    "txid": null,
    "userId": "",
    "withdrawal": {
      "address": "3GB8jS8QGutd6bJWuSb3gF1WULf2Ut55KA",
      "amount": "0.01000000",
      "currency": "BTC",
      "tag": null,
      "tagId": null,
      "txN": null,
      "txid": null
  "error": null

inputCurrency options: "IDR" outputCurrency options: "USDT", "BTC", "ETH", "DAI"

Aside from the API, there's also webhook to listen for the trade status:

const onMessage = (event) => {
	// put your transaction event handler

// create tramsaction
const transaction = await BI.convert({
	inputCurrency: 'IDR',
    outputCurrency: 'BTC',
    phoneNumber: '08123456789',
    amount: 100000,
    username: 'anon',
    address: '3GB8jS8QGutd6bJWuSb3gF1WULf2Ut55KA',
    source: 'input',

const orderId = transaction.data.orderId;

// start listen
BI.listenStatus(orderId, onMessage);

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago