0.1.0-alpha • Published 2 years ago

bend-sdk v0.1.0-alpha

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Steps for new developers to get up and running with the Bend data-service


You will need Rust, NodeJS, and a number of other tools to develop properly on the data-service and dash

  1. Rust stable
  2. NodeJS LTS
  3. For formatting, you'll need rustfmt
  • rustup component add rustfmt

Setting up the database

  1. Install Postgres
  2. Install diesel for Postres: cargo install diesel_cli --no-default-features --features postgres
  3. Copy example.env to .env (should just work with default local config)
  4. Run diesel setup

Run the app

cargo run


The Dash is a CRA app that can be used to interact with the API locally. It is not currently intended for production use. To get started, you'll need to run Quicktype to generate the schema.json file used by processSchema.ts and run the CRA app in a separate terminal from the one running the Rust back-end.

  1. Start the server: cargo.run
  2. In a separate terminal, run quicktype: npm run quicktype
  3. Navigate to the dash: cd dash
  4. Start the app: npm run start

Publishing the Image

  1. Install Google Cloud SDK
  2. Ensure you have access to the Container Registrar service account in GCP IAM & Admin
  3. Run gcloud auth login using an account with access to the Container Registrar
  4. Run docker tag tcmoore/bend-api-service gcr.io/{PROJECT_ID}/api-service (You can find the project id here)
  5. Run docker push gcr.io/bend-330614/api-service

DB Connectivity

Note that bend-db indicates the Cloud SQL instance, while bend_db indicates the postgres database name

Setting up a new database

  1. Create a new Postgres instance in Cloud SQL and store the root password somewhere secure
  2. Wait for the instance to boot up, then connect:
  3. Run gcloud sql connect bend-db --user=postgres --project PROJECT_ID and enter your password
  4. You can now run diesel setup
  • Using: DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:{ROOT_PASSWORD}@{YOUR_DB_PUBLIC_IP}/bend_db

Running migrations

  1. Run gcloud sql connect bend-db --user=postgres --project PROJECT_ID and enter your password
  2. You can now run migrations for 5 minutes with Diesel with diesel migration run
  • Using: DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres:{ROOT_PASSWORD}@{YOUR_DB_PUBLIC_IP}/bend-db

Connecting Cloud Run to Cloud SQL

Steps to connect to Cloud SQL from the api service in the cloud environment:

  1. Ensure that a service account exists with the Cloud SQL Client permissions
  2. Deploy a new revision of the Cloud Run instance with a Connection enabled (in the Connections tab) to the SQL instance
  3. In Cloud Run, the DATABASE_URL must take a slightly different form to support the unix socket path
  • postgres://{USER}:{PASSWORD}@?host=/cloudsql/{CLOUD_SQL_CONNECTION_NAME}&dbname=bend_db

See Official Docs for additional details.


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago