2.0.5 • Published 6 days ago

beneroch-calendar v2.0.5

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6 days ago



You can find demo here

Home made calendar that covers events and datepicking. Every event on a day in the calendar returns a date object of the current target. Note that even the header triggers these events, with a null object as a date.

For date picking, you can add a onDayClick event and then manage the date object. ( @see onDayClick option below ) Events are passed as a JSON object and each requires a title and a date. The date parameter is mixed, which means it can be a string, a timestamp or an object. It'll be an object if the event has a beginning and an end.

Simple date

[ {
   "date" : "2024/1/10",
   "content" : "",
   "title" : ""
} ]

Complex date

[ {
   "date" : {
       "start" : "2024/1/10",
       "end" : "2024/1/11"
   "content" : "",
   "title" : ""
} ]

Multiple date formats

[ {
   "date" : {
       "start" : "2024/1/10",
       "end" : "january 11 2024"
   "content" : "",
   "title" : ""
   "date" : "september 24 2024",
   "content" : "",
   "title" : ""
} ]

Easy to use

The calendar is easy to use and only requires minimal options. Everything is yet customizable. The calendar builds himself on a DOM object (DIV) and fits the boundaries of that object. Let's see some examples

Given the following div:

<div id="calendar-widget"></div>

Build a calendar without jQuery

let opts = {};
let domElement = document.getElementById('calendar-widget');
let calendar = new bCalendar(domElement, opts); // Same has $('#calendar-widget').calendar(opts)

Build a french calendar (see default options)


Build an english calendar

    lang : 'en'

Add unsupported language

    lang : 'customLang',
    translations: {
        months: {
            customLang : ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April','May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September','October', 'November', 'December']
        days: {
            customLang : ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S']
        nextMonthLabel : {
            customLang : 'Next Month'
        prevMonthLabel : {
            customLang : 'Previous Month'
        nextYearLabel : {
            customLang : 'Next Year'
        prevYearLabel : {
            customLang : 'Previous Year'

Start in month view display

    mode: 'month'

Add events

    events : [
            title: 'Test title',
            content : 'Well, turns out on that date we uploaded the plugin'
            start: "2024/01/16",
            end: "february 1 2024"
            title: 'Doc title',
            content : 'We also u"<>pdated the doc accordingly'
                start : "2024/01/17",
                end : "2024/01/27"
            title: 'Changes',
            content : 'We might add s\0ome changes during theses days'

API (jQuery)

destroyDestroys the calendar by removing all HTML and LISTENERS
nextGoes to next month
prevGoes to previous month
addEventAdds one events to the currently existing events
addEventsAdds multiple events to the currently existing events
setEventsSets the calendar events destroying all previously added events


startDateDate ObjectCurrent display date ( Default: today )
showStartDateBooleanShow indicator of the startDate ( Default: true )
langstringCurrent display language
modestringCurrent display mode. Either month or date ( Default: date )
useControlsbooleanAuto output the controls for next and prev month if set to true (default: true)
allowYearViewbooleanDefine if you can see the year view (default: false, unless mode is set to 'year')
allowMonthViewbooleanDefine if you can see the month view (default: false, unless mode is set to 'month')
eventsobjectJSON of all the events - Events can have pretty much any data, but requires at least a title and a date
displayEventsNumberbooleanDefine if you can to display the number of events on the calendar (default: true)
displayAdjacentMonthDatesbooleanDefine if you want to display the adjacent month dates or empty boxes (default: true)
eventsNumberTemplatestringTemplates used to display the number of events on a day / year / month


monthsobjectLabels for months, by lang, in an array starting from JANUARY to DECEMBER
daysobjectLabels for days, by lang, in an array starting from SUNDAY to SATURDAY
nextMonthLabelobjectLabels for skip month's title, by lang, in an array (view default)
prevMonthLabelobjectLabels for skip month's title, by lang, in an array (view default)
nextYearLabelobjectLabels for skip year's title, by lang, in an array (view default)
prevYearLabelobjectLabels for skip year's title, by lang, in an array (view default)


mainCalendarClassstringThe main calendar class, set on the DIV object that wraps it all
calendarTitleClassstringThe calendar title class, set on the H1 object
calendarControlsClassstringThe calendar controls wrapper class, set on the DIV object that wraps controls
calendarControlsPrevClassstringThe calendar previous month button class, set on the ANCHOR object
calendarControlsNextClassstringThe calendar next month button class, set on the ANCHOR object
calendarTableClassstringThe calendar table class, set on the TABLE object
calendarTableHeaderClassstringThe calendar table header class, set on the TR object that contains the day's labels
calendarRowClassstringThe calendar row class, set on all the other TR object as opposed to 'calendarTableHeaderClass'
calendarDayClassstringThe calendar day class, set on all TD inside the calendar (ALSO in the header)
calendarMonthClassstringThe calendar month class, set on all TD inside the calendar (ALSO in the header)
calendarLinkClassstringThe calendar link class, set on the ANCHOR object inside a day
calendarTextClassstringThe calendar text class, set on the object inside the object of a day (calendarLinkClass)
calendarEventClassstringThe calendar event class, set on the TD wrapping the day with an event
calendarEmptyDayClassstringThe calendar empty day class, set on the TD wrapping a day with no date
calendarCurrentDayClassstringThe calendar current day class, set on the td wrapping today's date
calendarSelectedDayClassstringThe calendar selected day class, set on the td wrapping the selected date
calendarSelectedMonthClassstringThe calendar empty day class, set on the TD wrapping a day with no date


onDayMouseOverfunctionTriggered when moving mouse over a day
onEventMouseOverfunctionTriggered when moving mouse over a day with an event
onDayMouseOutfunctionTriggered when moving mouse out of a day
onEventMouseOutfunctionTriggered when moving mouse out of a day with an event
onDayClickfunctionTriggered when clicking on a day
onEventClickfunctionTriggered when clicking on a day with an event
onPrevfunctionTriggered when clicking on the previous button while in date mode / Added to the regular event @see changeMonth
onPrevYearfunctionTriggered when clicking on the previous button while in month mode
onNextfunctionTriggered when clicking on the next button while in date mode / Added to the regular event @see changeMonth
onNextYearfunctionTriggered when clicking on the next button while in month mode
onGotoMonthViewfunctionTriggered after switching to the month view
onGotoDateViewfunctionTriggered after switching to the date view

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