bestbuy v2.4.1
Best Buy API
This is a high-level JavaScript / Node.js helper for the Best Buy developer API.
The examples folder contains code that demonstrates how to include the module and initialize it with your Best Buy developer key and then programmatically call the API.
Example of including the NPM module:
Pre-ES6 with explicit initialization
var bby = require('bestbuy')("your_BBY_API_KEY");
In addition to the examples, the package contains a suite of Jasmine tests to further show how to use the helper in more ways.
Getting Started
- Sign-up for a developer API Key at
- Run
npm install bestbuy --save
- Alternatively you can just add
"bestbuy": "1.*"
inside of the dependencies part of yourpackage.json
- Alternatively you can just add
- The library requires an API key to be provided before it can be used. You can set that in one of three ways:
- Set an environment variable of
to your key and invoke the methodvar bby = require('bestbuy')();
- Send the key in as a string when invoking the method
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
- Send the key in as part of an object when invoking the method
var bby = require('bestbuy')({'key': 'YOURKEY'});
- Set an environment variable of
In our documentation, we'll use a couple actual examples:
- Whenever a SKU is referenced, we'll use
, which is the Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope (Blu-ray) - Whenever a Store ID is referenced, we'll use
, which are respectfully the Best Buy stores by corporate headquarters and in New York where Chloe works.
More examples are available in the examples directory
Node.js streams are supported via these endpoints:
(xml format not supported)categoriesAsStream
For Streams:
- ALL results will be returned.
- Paginating and throttling is handled automatically!
- For json format, the stream will be in
, so each data chunk will be an object. - For xml format, the stream will return buffers, so each data chunk will be a buffer filled with exactly one object (exmaple:
)- If streaming xml directly into a file, be sure to add the xml pragma and wrap the stream in a root element or it won't be valid.
- a
event will always be emitted once per stream with the total number of results. - a
event will be emitted for each item in the result (one per product/store/etc). - an
event will be emitted oncemaxRetries
is exceeded.
availability(sku, array of store ids[, query string object])
This method supports an optional third parameter that represents extra attributes, such as show
, to be added to the query string sent to the API.
Using Callbacks
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.availability(4312001, [611, 482], function(err, data) {
if (err) console.warn(err);
else console.log('Stores carrying %s: %d', data.products[0].name, data.products[0].stores.length);
Using Promises
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.availability(4312001, [611, 482])
console.log('Stores carrying %s: %d', data.products[0].name, data.products[0].stores.length);
Using Streams
var stream = bby.availabilityAsStream(5670003, [611, 15, 6, 10, 7, 1055, 1000, 281, 245, 11, 8]);
stream.on('total', function (total) { console.log('Total Products: ' + total); });
stream.on('data', function (data) {
console.log(`\nProduct "${}" available at:\n${ => ` - ${store.longName}`).join('\n')}`);
stream.on('error', function (error) {
console.error(`Error status: ${error.status}`);
console.error(`Error headers: ${error.headers}`);
console.error(`Error body: ${error.body}`);
console.error(`Error cause: ${error.cause}`);
real-time availability
realTimeAvailability(sku, {postalCode: postalCode}
realTimeAvailability(sku, {storeId: storeId}
This method provides near real-time inventory levels for a sku. This endpoint only support JSON responses.
Using Callbacks
bby.realTimeAvailability(4312001, {storeId: 611}, function (err, data) {
if (err) console.warn(err);
console.log(`Sku 4312001 in store pickup availability: ${data.ispuEligible}`);
if(data.stores.length === 1) {
console.log(`Sku 4312001 availability in the 611 store: ${JSON.stringify(data.stores[0])}`);
} else {
console.log(`Sku 4312001 is not available in the 611 store`);
Using Promises
bby.realTimeAvailability(4312001, {postalCode: 55454})
.then(function(data) {
console.log(`Sku 4312001 in store pickup availability: ${data.ispuEligible}`);
if(data.stores.length > 0) {
console.log(`Sku 4312001 availability in the 55454 area: ${JSON.stringify(data.stores)}`);
} else {
console.log(`Sku 4312001 is not available in the 55454 area`);
.catch(function (err) {
categories(String of search criteria[, query string object])
This endpoint serves the search criteria for querying the Category API as described in our API documentation.
The below example returns the first category with the word "music" in it.
Using Callbacks
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.categories('(name=Music)', {pageSize: 1}, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.warn(err);
else if ( === 0) console.log('No categories found');
else console.log('Found %d categories. First category (%s): %s',, data.categories[0].id, data.categories[0].name);
Using Promises
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.categories('(name=Music)', {pageSize: 1})
if ( === 0) console.log('No categories found');
else console.log('Found %d categories. First category (%s): %s',, data.categories[0].id, data.categories[0].name);
Using Streams
// lets write all categories to a file called categories.json
var JSONStream = require('JSONStream');
var categories = bby.categoriesAsStream('');
// a "total" event is emitted so we know how many total products will be sent
categories.on('total', total => console.log(`Total Categories: ${total}`));
// log when its done
categories.on('end', () => {
openBox(sku, array of store ids)
This endpoint serves the search criteria for querying the Buying Options API as described in our API documentation.
This example searches all open box products in the video games category, and returns the first result.
Using Callbacks
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.openBox('categoryId=abcat0700000', function(err, data) {
if (err) console.warn(err);
else if (data.metadata.resultSet.count === 0) console.log('No Open Box products available');
else {
console.log('Found %d Open Box products', data.metadata.resultSet.count);
console.log('First Open Box product:');
console.log('\tName: %s', data.results[0].names.title);
console.log('\tURL: %s', data.results[0].links.web);
console.log('\tPrice: $%d', data.results[0].prices.current);
Using Promises
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
if (data.metadata.resultSet.count === 0) console.log('No Open Box products available');
else {
console.log('Found %d Open Box products', data.metadata.resultSet.count);
console.log('First Open Box product:');
console.log('\tName: %s', data.results[0].names.title);
console.log('\tURL: %s', data.results[0].links.web);
console.log('\tPrice: $%d', data.results[0].prices.current);
Using Streams
var stream = bby.openBoxAsStream('categoryId=abcat0502000');
stream.on('data', data => {});
stream.on('total', (t) => { console.log('Total: ' + total) });
stream.on('data', (t) => { console.log('Open box Item: ', data) });
products(String of search criteria[, query string object])
This endpoint serves the search criteria for querying the Products API as described in our API documentation.
The below example returns the title and price of the first search result with the word "Mario" in it.
Using Callbacks
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.products('(search=mario)', {show: 'salePrice,name', pageSize: 1}, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.warn(err);
else if ( === 0) console.log('No products found');
else console.log('Found %d products. First match "%s" is $%d',, data.products[0].name, data.products[0].salePrice);
Using Promises
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.products('(search=mario)', {show: 'salePrice,name', pageSize: 1})
if ( === 0) console.log('No products found');
else console.log('Found %d products. First match "%s" is $%d',, data.products[0].name, data.products[0].salePrice);
Using Streams
var productsStream = bby.productsAsStream('customerReviewAverage=5&name=red*', {
show: 'name,sku'
// a "total" event is emitted so we know how many total products will be sent
productsStream.on('total', total => console.log(`Total Products: ${total}`));
// log each product to the console
productsStream.on('data', product => { console.log(`Product: ${JSON.stringify(product, null, 0)}`); });
// log when its done
productsStream.on('end', () => console.log('Done!'));
recommendations('mostViewed' OR 'trendingViewed'[, optional category as a string])
recommendations('alsoViewed', sku)
This endpoint serves the search criteria for querying the Recommendations API as described in our API documentation.
The first parameter expects one of three values: mostViewed, trendingViewed or alsoViewed. If the first parameter is mostViewed or trendingViewed, an optional second parameter of a categoryId may be provided. If the first parameter is alsoViewed, a required second parameter of sku must be provided.
The below examples show how to get the most viewed products on
Using Callbacks
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.recommendations('mostViewed', function(err, data) {
if (err) console.warn(err);
else if (data.metadata.resultSet.count === 0) console.log('Did not find any products');
else console.log('Found %d products. First product: %s', data.metadata.resultSet.count, data.results[0].names.title);
Using Promises
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
if (data.metadata.resultSet.count === 0) console.log('Did not find any products');
else console.log('Found %d products. First product: %s', data.metadata.resultSet.count, data.results[0].names.title);
Using Streams
Streams are not supported for recommendations.
stores(String of search criteria)
This endpoint serves the search criteria for querying the Stores API as described in our API documentation.
The below examples show the number of stores located within 25 miles of 94103 (San Francisco, CA).
Using Callbacks
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.stores('area(94103,25)&storeType=BigBox', function(err, data){
if (err) console.warn(err);
else console.log('Number of stores found: ' +;
Using Promises
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
console.log('Number of stores found: ' +;
Using Streams
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
stream.on('total', function (total) { console.log('Total Stores: ' + total); });
stream.on('data', function (store) {
console.log(`\Store: ${} - Phone: ${}}`);
This endpoint serves warranties for a specified product per the Warranties API as described in our API documentation.
The below examples show warranties for an old printer.
Using Callbacks
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.warranties(6354884, function(err, data){
if (err) console.warn(err);
else console.log('Warranties found: ' + data.length);
Using Promises
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
console.log('Warranties found: ' + data.length);
Using Streams
Streams are not supported for warranties.
This endpoint will return the version of the API and this package version.
Using Callbacks
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.version(function(err, data) {
if (err) console.warn(err);
else console.log(data);
// output JSON:
// { packageVersion: '2.0.0', apiVersion: '1.0.844' }
Using Promises
var bby = require('bestbuy')('YOURKEY');
bby.version().then(function(data) {
// output JSON:
// { packageVersion: '2.0.0', apiVersion: '1.0.844' }
Using Streams
Streams are not supported.
Enabling Debug Output
Debug can be enabled via the debug
var bby = require('bestbuy')({
key: 'YOURKEY',
debug: true
// output request and response info to console.log
If console.log
is not desired, a custom debug function can be passed:
var bby = require('bestbuy')({
key: 'YOURKEY',
debug: function (debugObject) { }
// The debug function will be called for each request, response, and error thrown by the internal HTTP client.
Rate Limiting
In order to avoid 429 Too Many Requests
errors, all API calls are automatically throttled to 5 requests per second. This value aligns with the default limit for approved API keys. Setting a lower value can be useful if a key needs to be shared among multiple application instances.
If you need to adjust this value, it can be done via the requestsPerSecond
var bby = require('bestbuy')({
key: 'YOURKEY',
requestsPerSecond: 1 // just one request per second
By default, requests will be attempted only once before erroring. The maximum number of retries and the time taken between retries can be configured with the maxRetries
and retryInterval
options. retryInterval
is set to 2000 by default.
var bby = require('bestbuy')({
key: 'YOURKEY',
maxRetries: 4, // make five requests at most
retryInterval: 5000, // wait 5 seconds before retrying
Request timeout can be configured with the timeout
option. This value is set to 5000ms by default.
var bby = require('bestbuy')({
key: 'YOURKEY',
timeout: 15000 // wait for 15 seconds before erroring due to timeout
Run the existing tests with:
npm test
Note that this uses nock fixtures to mock all network calls.
Run tests against the live API (BBY_API_KEY env var needs to be set):
npm run test-live
If tests are added, re-record the mock fixtures:
npm run record
# tests will run against the live API and their output will be saved in test/fixtures
Online Resources
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