0.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

bf-improved v0.0.2

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Last release
7 years ago


Brainfuck Improved


BFM is a JS based language that makes brainfuck development easier

Additionally this CLI features a brainfuck runtime and a brainfuck2c compiler


strprint('Hello World!\n', 0) // write string to memory and print it

set(0, 9)             // set register 0 (aka "counter") to 9
str('Count: 9\n', 1)  // write string to memory from reg 1 to reg 9 (1 + 8)
whileFnc(0, () => {   // loop until reg 0 is set to 0
  print(1, 9)         // print reg 1 to reg 9 as ascii string
  mod(8, -1)          // decrement ASCII value of the number in the string
  mod(0, -1)          // decrement "counter" by 1


$ npm i -g bf-improved # install the CLI
$ bfm bfm example.bfm example.bf # compile BrainFuck Improved to Brainfuck
$ bfm bf example.bf # execute Brainfuck
$ bfm bftoc example.bf example.c # generate C code from BrainFuck
$ gcc example.c -o example # generate Executable
$ ./example # launch



Generates bf code to move from cur reg to new reg. Throws if arg is not a valid number

Example: goto(1); goto(20); => >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

mod(reg, val)

Modifies the value of a reg

Example: mod(20, 2); => goto(20); bf('++');


Clears a registers value

Alias: clear(reg); => goto(reg); bf('[-]');

set(reg, val)

Sets value of reg to val

Alias: clear(reg); mod(reg, val);

whileFnc(reg, fnc)

Brainfuck native loop. Calls goto before and after code.

Example: mod(0, 1); set(1, 2); while(0, () => { clear(1) }) => +>++<[>[-]<]

str(str, reg)

Sets all registers from reg to reg + str.length to the ASCII values of str

Example: str('H', 20); => goto(20); set(20, 72);

print(reg, len)

Prints char at reg (.) Optionally prints len next cells too

Example: print(0, 3); => .>.>.>.

strprint(str, reg)

Writes string into memory then prints it

Example: strprint('Hello', 20) => str('Hello', 20); print(20, 25);

numprint(reg, storeReg) TODO

Prints the ASCII value of the number stored at reg using storeReg. Note: There must be at least 10 free cells after storeReg to avoid corruption for big numbers