0.0.6 • Published 10 years ago
biaphp v0.0.6
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* BiaPHP is created by Renan Veroneze and it's licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA.
* © 2014~2015
* @0.0.1
Is a Pre-processor to Transcompile language to PHP
This is a BiaPHP syntax:
class Test
public __construct ->
if $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == ''
print 'Not allowed to localhost'
And compile this:
class Test {
public function __construct() {
if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == '') {
print 'Not allowed to localhost';
Syntax Reference
BiaPHP | PHP |
<? | <?php |
public f -> | public function f() {} |
public f ( x ) -> | public function f( x ) {} |
if x | if(x) {} |
End vars lines | ; |
@x | $this->x |
@@x | self::x |
~x | parent::x |
$_S | $_SESSION |
$_P | $_POST |
$_G | $_GET |
$a ?: $b | $a ? $a : $b |
self class class_name | class class_name{} new class_name |