0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

bigiot v0.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago


This is a BIGIot-Implementation for node.js

learn more about big-iot: http://big-iot.eu/

market: https://market.big-iot.org/


npm install bigiot


yarn add bigiot


Provider Perspective

const bigiot = require('bigiot');

// Create a new provider instance with your credentials
myProvider = new bigiot.provider(providerId, providerSecret);

// Authenticate your provider 
myProvider.authenticate().then(() => {
    // authentication is done

// Let's create a new offering
myOffering = new bigiot.offering('exampleOffering', 'urn:big-iot:EnvironmentalIndicatorCategory');
myOffering.addOutputData('someRandomNumbers', 'proposed:random');

// Register your offering with the BIGIoT Marketplace
myProvider.register(myOffering).then(() => {
    // registration is done

// Check if a http-request-header is permitted to access your resource
myProvider.validateRequestHeader(header).then((res) => {
    // res is the decoded token

// alternatively you can check an access-token by hand
myProvider.validateConsumerToken(token).then((res) => {
    // res is the decoded token

Consumer Perspective

Please beware, consumer perspective is a big todo!

const bigiot = require('bigiot');

// Create a new consumer instance with your credentials
myConsumer = new bigiot.consumer(consumerId, consumerSecret);

// Authenticate your consumer
myConsumer.authenticate().then(() => {
    // authentication is done

// Now to create a new offeringQuery
myOfferingQuery = new bigiot.offeringQuery('exampleQuery', 'urn:big-iot:EnvironmentalIndicatorCategory');
myOfferingQuery.addInputData('testInput', 'proposed:testCategory');
myOfferingQuery.addOutputData('testOutput', 'proposed:testCategory');

// and register the query
myConsumer.register(myOfferingQuery).then(() => {
    registration is done

now let's subscribe to an offering and get some data:

myParameters = new bigiot.accessParameter();

// the name and the value have to match those of the query / the provider
myParameters.addInputData(name, value);

myConsumer.subscribeToId(QueryId, OfferingId).then((data) => {
    myConsumer.consumeQuery(data, myParameters).then((res) => {
        // res is your response data