2.0.19 • Published 2 years ago

billia-acronis-cell v2.0.19

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Last release
2 years ago

Acronis Cell

Acronis Cloud Backup plugin for Billia Customer Portal.


Install the Node.js dependencies with:

$ npm install

Front-End (Billia Customer Portal integration)

The code for the Customer Portal plugin can be found in the src/ui folder.


  1. Build the plugin.

    $ npm run build
  2. Start the plugin's local development server.

    $ npm run serve
  3. Start the Billia Customer Portal server (billia-customer-portal-server) with NODE_ENV=development.

  4. Start the Billia Customer Portal client (billia-customer-portal) with npm start.

If everything is correctly configured, you should see a similar log in the plugin's server:

Developing plugin "billia-acronis-cell". Its files are served on port 3333.
GET /ui.json 200 6.925 ms - 975
GET /build/schema/ui/billia-acronis.node.js 200 0.621 ms - 528

You can deploy the plugin to a staging environment by running:

npm run deploy https://appcell.staging.apihawk.tech/cell/install?reinstall=yes

Back-end (AppCell Worker)

The code for the back-end worker can be found in src/cell (business logic) and appcell (configuration).

Run the worker

You need to set the following environmental variables:


And optionally you can turn logging on for the communication with the Acronis REST API server:


Then start the worker:

node index.js


You can run the test suite by executing the test command.

$ npm test