1.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

binary-find v1.0.1

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Last release
4 years ago


a small binary search function independent of container in js


  • Safe guarded against integer overflow - Tested with 2e32-1 items (maximum items in JS array) - Can work with up to Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER items
  • Any container can be used (using a reader function)
  • Any data structure can be used (using a comparator function)
  • Support for asyncronous reads (suitable for working with I/O like files, network resources, etc.)
  • Can be used for binary insertion sort
  • Tested (Nodejs 10.x, 12.x, 14.x)


npm i binary-find


binaryFind(start, end, valueToFind, readFunction, compareFunction)

  • start integer Start index of your list for search (inclusive)
  • end integer End index of your list for search (inclusive)
  • valueToFind any Value to look for in your list
  • readFunction Function to read from your sorted list. Below argument is passed when called - index integer Index of item to be read (starting from 0) - This function should return the item at index - This function can be async
  • compareFunction Function to compare your list items. Below arguments are passed when called. - firstEl any First value to compare. This value has been read using readFunction - secondEl any Second value to compare. This value has been read using readFunction - This function should return one of below values: - -1 or less If firstEl is less than secondEl - 0 If firstEl and secondEl are equal - 1 or higher If firstEl is greater than secondEl - Note: This function is same as function used for sorting your list
  • binaryFind() returns Promise to be resolved with below values - 0 or any positive integer If the valueToFind is found, the return value would be index of it in the list - negative integer If the valueToFind is not found, the Math.abs(return value) indicates the position in the list that the value should be inserted (offset starting at 0) - null If the valueToFind was not found and it should be inserted at index 0 in the list

Simple Usage

const binaryFind = require('binary-find')

async function find() {
  // list of sorted items
  const list = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
  // function for comparing list items (same as what you use for sorting)
  const comparator = (a, b) => a - b
  // function for reading list item at index
  const reader = index => list[index]

  let foundIndex

  foundIndex = await binaryFind(0, list.length-1, 3, reader, comparator);
  console.log(foundIndex) // output: 3

  foundIndex = await binaryFind(0, list.length-1, 0, reader, comparator);
  console.log(foundIndex) // output: 0

  foundIndex = await binaryFind(0, list.length-1, 3.5, reader, comparator);
  console.log(foundIndex) // output: -4

  foundIndex = await binaryFind(0, list.length-1, 100, reader, comparator);
  console.log(foundIndex) // output: -6

  foundIndex = await binaryFind(0, list.length-1, 0.5, reader, comparator);
  console.log(foundIndex) // output: -1

  foundIndex = await binaryFind(0, list.length-1, -1, reader, comparator);
  console.log(foundIndex) // output: null


Binary Insert Sort

const binaryFind = require('binary-find')

function insert(list, value, foundIndex) {
  // insert value in the list based on foundIndex which is result of binaryFind()
  // insert as first element
  if (foundIndex === null) return list.splice(0, 0, value)
  // item already exist, ignore
  if (foundIndex >= 0) return
  let absIndex = Math.abs(foundIndex)
  // item is greater than any item in the list, add to end
  if (absIndex > list.length - 1) return list.push(value)
  // item should be inserted at |foundIndex|
  list.splice(absIndex, 0, value)

async function binaryInsertionSort() {
  // add random numbers to the list in the sorted index
  list = []
  var comparator = (a, b) => a - b
  var reader = index => list[index]

  for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    let val
    // find unique random value
    do {
      val = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)
    } while (list.indexOf(val) >= 0)

    let p = await binaryFind(0, list.length - 1, val, reader, comparator);
    insert(list, val, p)

  // output:
    30, 43, 48, 64, 65,
    69, 79, 86, 92, 93



npm run test


Following is test results from github actions with below setup:

  • Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
  • Nodejs: v14.7.0
  • npm: 6.14.7
Checking every item in a list of         100 items: 0.01ms per item
Checking every item in a list of       1,000 items: 0.005ms per item
Checking every item in a list of      10,000 items: 0.002ms per item
Checking every item in a list of   1,000,000 items: 0.001905ms per item
Checking every item in a list of  10,000,000 items: 0.0022008ms per item
Checking every item in a list of 100,000,000 items: 0.00246802ms per item