0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

binaryquadkey v0.0.1

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9 years ago


Node.js library to create an object to represent map tile Quadkeys in a binary format using 64-bit integers via long.js for the benefits of constant time comparsions, consistent byte-length storage, integer indexing, cache optimization, and potential space savings. Read more here: Binary quadkeys

Kind: global class

xnumberThe X coordinate of the tile
ynumberThe Y coordinate of the tile
zoomnumberThe zoomlevel or level of detail of the tile (1-23)
UInt64Quadkeyobjectlong.js Long object representing an unsigned 64 bit integer

new BinaryQuadkey(x, y, zoom, uint64quadkey)

Constructs a BinaryQuadkey object that internally uses an unsigned 64-bit integer representation of Quadkey of a map tile at the given coordinates See the from* functions below for more convenient ways of constructing BinaryQuadkey objects.

Returns: BinaryQuadkey - The corresponding BinaryQuadkey object

xnumber0The X coordinate of the tile
ynumber0The Y coordinate of the tile
zoomnumber0The zoomlevel or level of detail of the tile (1-23)
uint64quadkeyobjectLong.fromInt(0)(Optional) long.js Long object encapsulating an unsigned 64 bit integer representation of a binary Quadkey


var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey(35210, 21493, 16);

binaryQuadkey.toQuadkey() ⇒ string

Returns a Quadkey string that corresponds to the BinaryQuadkey

Kind: instance method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: string - Quadkey string

var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey(35210, 21493, 16);
console.log(binaryQuadkey.toQuadkey()); // "1202102332221212"

binaryQuadkey.toBuffer() ⇒ Buffer

Returns a new Node.js Buffer() from BinaryQuadkey's internal unsigned 64 bit integer representation

Kind: instance method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: Buffer - Node.js new Buffer()

var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey(35210, 21493, 16);
console.log(binaryQuadkey.toBuffer()); // <Buffer 62 4b ea 66 00 00 00 10>

binaryQuadkey.toString(radix) ⇒ string

Converts the BinaryQuadkey's internal 64bit integer representation to a string written in the specified radix.

Kind: instance method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: string - unsigned 64bit integer string in radix frmat

  • RangeError If radix is out of range
radixnumberThe radix in which the text is written (2-36), defaults to 10


var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey(29, 50, 7);
console.log(binaryQuadkey.toString()); // 3270739229377822727
console.log(binaryQuadkey.toString(16)); // 2d64000000000007
console.log(binaryQuadkey.toString(2)); // 10010011100001110010011011001000000000000000000000000000010000

binaryQuadkey.isParentOf(other) ⇒ boolean

Determines weather the current BinaryQuadkey is a parent of the passed in BinaryQuadkey

Kind: instance method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: boolean - if the BinaryQuadkey is a parent of the other BinaryQuadkey

otherBinaryQuadkeyBinaryQuadkey object which may or may not be a child


var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey1 = new BinaryQuadkey.fromQuadkey("120210");
var binaryQuadkey2 = new BinaryQuadkey.fromQuadkey("1202102332221212");
console.log(binaryQuadkey1.isParentOf(binaryQuadkey2)); // true

binaryQuadkey.equals(other) ⇒ boolean

Determines weather the current BinaryQuadkey identical to the passed in BinaryQuadkey

Kind: instance method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: boolean - if the BinaryQuadkey represents the same tile as the other BinaryQuadkey

otherBinaryQuadkeyBinaryQuadkey object which may or may not be identical


var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey1 = new BinaryQuadkey(35210, 21493, 16); 
var binaryQuadkey2 = new BinaryQuadkey.fromQuadkey("1202102332221212");
var binaryQuadkey3 = new BinaryQuadkey.fromQuadkey("120210");
console.log(binaryQuadkey1.equals(binaryQuadkey2)); // true
console.log(binaryQuadkey1.equals(binaryQuadkey3)); // false

binaryQuadkey.getHighBits() ⇒ number

Gets the high 32 bits as the 64 bit unsigned integer.

Kind: instance method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: number - Unsigned high bits

var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey.fromBits(11, 618776576);
console.log(binaryQuadkey.getHighBits()); // 618776576

binaryQuadkey.getLowBits() ⇒ number

Gets the low 32 bits as the 64 bit unsigned integer.

Kind: instance method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: number - Unsigned low bits

var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey.fromBits(11, 618776576);
console.log(binaryQuadkey.getLowBits()); // 11

binaryQuadkey.getZoom() ⇒ string

Returns the zoom level / level of detail of the specific referenced tile.

Kind: instance method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: string - zoom level of tile

var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey.fromQuadkey("021032013");
console.log(binaryQuadkey.getZoom()); // 9

BinaryQuadkey.fromTileXY(x, y, zoom) ⇒ BinaryQuadkey

Returns a BinaryQuadkey representation of the tile at the given coordinates

Kind: static method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: BinaryQuadkey - The corresponding BinaryQuadkey object

xnumberThe X coordinate of the tile
ynumberThe Y coordinate of the tile
zoomnumberThe zoomlevel or level of detail of the tile (1-23)


var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey.fromTileXY(35210, 21493, 16);

BinaryQuadkey.fromQuadkey(quadKeyString) ⇒ BinaryQuadkey

Returns a BinaryQuadkey representing the Quadkey string

Kind: static method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: BinaryQuadkey - The corresponding BinaryQuadkey object created from Quadkey string

quadKeyStringstringThe string that corresponds to the Quadkey


var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey.fromQuadkey("1202102332221212");

BinaryQuadkey.fromUInt64(uint64quadkey, zoom) ⇒ BinaryQuadkey

Returns a BinaryQuadkey representation of a long.js unsigned int64 Long object

Kind: static method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: BinaryQuadkey - The corresponding BinaryQuadkey object

uint64quadkeyobjectlong.js Long object representing an unsigned 64 bit integer
zoomnumber(Optional) The zoomlevel or level of detail of the tile (1-23)


var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey1 = new BinaryQuadkey(35210, 21493, 16); 
var binaryQuadkey2 = new BinaryQuadkey.fromUInt64(binaryQuadkey1.UInt64Quadkey);
var Long = require("long"); //requires you to install long.js
var uint64 = new Long.fromString("18446744073709289495");
var binaryQuadkey = new BinaryQuadkey.fromUInt64(uint64);

BinaryQuadkey.fromBits(low, high) ⇒ BinaryQuadkey

Returns a BinaryQuadkey representing the unsigned 64 bit integer that comes by concatenating the given low and high bits. Each is assumed to use 32 bits.

Kind: static method of BinaryQuadkey
Returns: BinaryQuadkey - The corresponding BinaryQuadkey object created from the low and high bits

lownumberThe low (unsigned) 32 bits of the long
highnumberThe high (unsigned) 32 bits of the long


var BinaryQuadkey = require("binaryquadkey");
var binaryQuadkey1 = new BinaryQuadkey.fromBits(11, 618776576);
var binaryQuadkey2 = new BinaryQuadkey.fromBits(0xFFFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF);

BinaryQuadkey.isBinaryQuadkey(obj) ⇒ boolean

Tests if the specified object is a BinaryQuadkey.

Kind: static method of BinaryQuadkey
