0.0.9 • Published 9 years ago

bindable-object v0.0.9

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9 years ago

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Fast data-binding library.

Two-way data binding means linking properties of two separate objects - when one changes, the other will automatically update with that change. It enables much easier interactions between data models and UIs, among other uses outside of MVC.


var BindableObject = require("bindable-object");

var person = new BindableObject({
  name: "craig",
  last: "condon",
  location: {
    city: "San Francisco"

person.bind("location.zip", function(value) {
  // 94102

//triggers the binding
person.set("location.zip", "94102");

//bind location.zip to another property in the model, and do it only once
person.bind("location.zip", function (zip) {
  console.log(zip); // 94102

person.bind("name, last", function (fn, ln) {
  console.log(fn, ln); // craig condon


npm install bindable-object --save-exact


creates a new bindable object

value get(property)

Returns a property on the bindable object

var obj = new BindableObject({ city: { name: "SF" } });
console.log(obj.get("city"));      // { name: "SF" }
console.log("no getter", obj.city); // { name: "SF" }
console.log(obj.get("city.name")); // SF
console.log("no getter", obj.city.name); // { name: "SF" }

set(property, value)

Sets a value to the bindable object

var obj = new BindableObject();
obj.set("city.name", "SF");
console.log(obj.get("city.name")); // SF


sets multiple properties on the bindable object

var person = new BindableObject();
  firstName: "Jon",
  lastName: "Doe"
console.log(person.get("firstName"), person.get("lastName")); // Jon Doe


Returns true if the bindable object has a given property

var obj = new BindableObject({ count: 0, male: false, name: "craig" });

console.log(obj.has("count")); // true
console.log(obj.has("male")); // true
console.log(obj.has("name")); // true
console.log(obj.has("city")); // false

listener on(event, callback)

adds a new listener to the bindable object


emits a new event

var person = new BindableObject();

person.on("blarg", function (arg1, arg2) {
  console.log(arg1, arg2);

person.emit("blarg", "something!", "something again!!");

once(event, callback)

listens to one event, then disposes the listener.

var person = new BindableObject();

person.once("blarg", function (arg1, arg2) {
  console.log(arg1, arg2);

person.emit("blarg", "something!", "something again!!");
person.emit("blarg", "never caught again!");


returns all the listeners on the bindable object

binding bind(from, options)

options - the options for the binding

  • to - the property to bind to. Can be a string, array, or function
  • target - the target bindable object. Default is self
  • max - max number of times to run the data-binding
  • when - tests the data-bound value before setting
  • map - transforms the data-bound value
  • bothWays - makes the data-binding bi-directional.
var obj = new BindableObject({ name: "craig" });

// bind the name, but transform it to upper case
obj.bind("name", { to: "name2", map: function (name) {
  return String(name).toUpperCase();

console.log(obj.get("name"), obj.get("name2"));
obj.set("name", "jeff");
console.log(obj.get("name"), obj.get("name2"));


Executes a binding now

var bindable = require("bindable");
var person = new BindableObject({ name: "jeff" });
person.bind("name", function (name, oldName) {
  console.log("binding called, name is: ", name);

// above is triggered
person.set("name", "joe");


Disposes a binding

var bindable = require("bindable");
var person = new BindableObject({ name: "jeff" });

var binding = person.bind("name", function (name, oldName) {
  console.log("binding called, name is: ", name);


person.set("name", "jake"); // binding not triggered


Bindable objects emit a few events:

  • change:* - emitted when a property changes on the bindable object. E.g: change:location.zip.
  • change - emitted when any property changes on the bindable object
  • watching - emitted when a property is being watched
  • dispose - emitted when dispose() is called on a bindable object
var person = new BindableObject({ name: "jeff" });

person.on("change:name", function (newName) {
  console.log("the name changed to", newName);

person.on("change", function (key, value) {
  console.log("some value has changed: ", key, "=", value);

person.on("watching", function (property) {
  console.log("watching ", property);

person.on("dispose", function () {
  console.log("the object was disposed");

person.set("name", "james");
person.set("city", "sf");
person.bind("name", function(){}); // trigger watching