0.0.4 • Published 7 years ago

birdcall v0.0.4

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Last release
7 years ago


A library for the various lettered combinators.

This library supports experimentation of programming with basic combinatory combinators. The full list is found below


====== ==================== ============== letter bird alias implementation ====== ==================== ============== B Bluebird λabc.a(bc) B1 Blackbird λabcd.a(bcd) B2 Bunting λabcde.a(bcde) B3 Becard λabcd.a(b(cd)) C Cardinal λabc.acb D Dove λabcd.ab(cd) D1 Dickcissel λabcde.abc(de) D2 Dovekies λabcde.a(bc)(de) E Eagle λabcde.ab(cde) Ê Bald Eagle λabcdefg.a(bcd)(efg) F Finch λabc.cba G Goldfinch λabcd.ad(bc) H Hummingbird λabc.abcb I Identity Bird λa.a J Jay λabcd.ab(adc) K Kestrel (True) λab.a L Lark λab.a(bb) M Mockingbird λa.aa M2 Double Mockingbird λab.ab(ab) O Owl λab.b(ab) Q Queer Bird λabc.b(ac) Q1 Quixotic Bird λabc.a(cb) Q2 Quizzical Bird λabc.b(ca) Q3 Quirky Bird λabc.c(ab) Q4 Quacky Bird λabc.c(ba) R Robin λabc.bca S Starling λabc.ac(bc) T Thrush λab.ba U Turing λab.b(aab) V Vireo λabc.cab W Warbler λab.abb W1 Converse Warbler λab.baa Y Why Bird λa.a(la) I Identity Bird 1R λab.ab W Warbler 1R λabc.abcc C Cardinal 1R λabcd.abdc R Robin 1R λabcd.acdb F Finch 1R λabcd.adcb V Vireo 1R λabcd.acbd I Identity Bird 2R λabc.abc W Warbler 2R λabcd.abcdd C Cardinal 2R λabcde.abced R Robin 2R λabcde.abdec F Finch 2R λabcde.abedc V Vireo 2R λabcde.abecd KI Kite λab.b KM Konstant Mocker λab.bb CKM Crossed K Mocker λab.aa ====== ==================== ==============

* = once removed

** = twice removed

Adapted from http://www.angelfire.com/tx4/cus/combinator/birds.html.


7 years ago


7 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago