0.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

bit3 v0.0.2

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Last release
6 years ago


Bit3 is a simple tool to download a BitBucket repository and upload to an AWS S3 bucket.

The main purpose of this tool is to work around a missing feature and allow BitBucket to be used as a source with AWS CodePipeline. Currently BitBucket cannot be used as a CodePipeline source, so alternatively, we can use S3 instead, and push a repository contents to S3 which can trigger the pipeline.


# Install the cli tool
$ npm install -g bit3


# Deploy the default application (see configuration below)
$ bit3 default


The configuration file is located at ~/.config/bit3.json and consists of the following options.

        "default": {
                "repositoryAccount": "<user or team>",
                "repositoryName": "<repository name>",
                "repositoryBranch": "<repository branch>",
                "appUsername": "<login username>",
                "appPassword": "<app password>",
                "awsProfile": "<aws credentials file profile>",
                "s3Bucket": "<bucket>",
                "s3Key": "<bucket key>"


repositoryAccountThe BitBucket username or team that the repository resides under.
repositoryNameThe BitBucket repository name.
repositoryBranchThe BitBucket repository branch. Defaults to master.
appUsernameThe username of the BitBucket account, (not the Atlassian login email). This can be found within BitBucket profile settings.
appPasswordAn App password. Created within the BitBucket profile settings.
awsProfileThe profile to use within the aws credtials file, ~/.aws/credentials. Defaults to bit3.
s3BucketThe S3 bucket to upload to.
s3KeyThe key of the S3 bucket for the uploaded zip file.

License: MIT

Author: Ash Brown