0.0.4 • Published 9 years ago

bitbin v0.0.4

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9 years ago

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Bitbin is an asset manager for large (and small) binary files. If you are tired of having to commit your images, videos, and sounds into your git repo, this tool is for you.

By using an npm-style JSON manifest file, you can track all assets and their versions locally, and publish remotely for your deployments.

The goal of this project is to allow avoidance of storing large asset files in source code repositories (making them slow to clone) for deployments.



bitbin init

The init command inquires certain information and generates the initial bitbin.json for managing assets.


bitbin install

The install command copies all files not existing (or not the same) into your locally defined path from the remote adapter.


bitbin publish

With the publish command, all files that are found different (or missing) from the files manifest will be pushed to your outbound adapter and the manifest file will be updated with the new versions of the files.

What about conflicts?

If a file exists on the remote location, the process will increment the version number and if all else fails, will abort operations. The thinking is to NEVER update/overwrite a file on the remote location, only add new files.


This library has equip-able adapters:

  • Amazon S3 (bitbin-s3) - to be implemented
  • FTP (bitbin-ftp) - to be implemented
  • Local (bitbin-local) - wip

To use any of these adapters, install them via their npm packages:

npm install bitbin-local

Custom Adapters

In the bitbin.json configuration, the adapter property can be used to define a path to a custom adapter that inherits a base adapter and implements its prototypical methods.

Example custom adapter

var util = require('util');
var BaseAdapter = require('bitbin/src/base_adapter');

var MyAdapter = function() {
    // Special constructor stuff here

util.inherits(MyAdapter, BaseAdapter);

// Install methods

MyAdapter.prototype.ensureFilesExists = function(files) {
    var deferred = q.defer();
    // Check files and reject, otherwise resolve with files
    return deferred.promise;

MyAdapter.prototype.download = function(files) {
    var deferred = q.defer();
    // Retrieve the files and put them into the local path(s).
    return deferred.promise;

// Upload methods

MyAdapter.prototype.filterExisting = function(files) {
    // do custom filtering here
    return files;

MyAdapter.prototype.upload = function(files) {
    // upload files
    // Update any filenames with their versioning
    return files;

module.exports = function(container) {
    return new MyAdapter(
        // inject dependencies from the container provided
