bittorrent-nodeid v1.0.0
Javascript implementation of BEP42 - DHT Security extension to calculate or check the nodeID of a peer.
BEP42 is implemented in projects uTorrent, libtorrent and bootstrap-dht.
Installation and use
This is using node-fast-crc32c from Xiaoyi and/or sse4_crc32 from Anand Suresh.
npm install bittorrent-nodeid
var generate_id=require('bittorent-nodeid');
generate_id('W.X.Y.Z',Random_byte) --> prefix abcdefgh --> nodeID: (first 20 bits of prefix) (random number) Random_byte
generate_id('',1) --> prefix 5fbfbdb2 --> nodeID: 5fbfb e7519910c34ae7026c3e64eacc13c5159 01
generate_id('',86) --> prefix 5a3ce9b0 --> nodeID: 5a3ce 91f3dc70a057e9a9fe0cc900d52b4e61e 56
generate_id('',22) --> prefix a5d4344a --> a5d43 396da271c1a4d1dc7149247f021eabc34 16
Note about the binary format
BEP42 does define the following calculation to compute the nodeID:
crc32c((ip & 0x030f3fff) | (r << 29))
Where ip is the ip address representation in network bytes order.
For ip, the calculation with a random number set to 1 will be crc32c((0x7c1f4b15 & 0x030f3fff) | (1 << 29))
, so crc32c(0x200f0b15)
which is computed as crc32c(new Buffer('200f0b15','hex'))
or crc32c(new Buffer([0x20,0xf,0xb,0x15]))
or crc32c('ABCD')
where ABCD are the characters corresponding to the ascii code of each byte.
In javascript a character outside of the normal ascii range like 'Á' will be interpreted as utf8 0xc381
and crc32c.calculate('Á')
will give b1cf5bcd
But most of the c++ libraries does handle this byte by byte, so 'Á' will be interpreted as 0xc1
and crc32c.calculate('Á')
will give 639bf696