0.3.0 • Published 9 years ago
bkss v0.3.0
bkss - A Template for kss-node
Use the template files located in dist/template
. For more details on kss-node, check out github.com/kss-node
Installation via NPM
npm install --save-dev bkss
You can override some of the template's default settings by providing a json file with the config object.
"source": "src/css",
"destination": "dist/docs",
"template": "node_modules/bkss/dist/template",
"css": [
"path/to/some-3rd-party.css", "http://some-fancy-webfonts.com/comic-serif-sans"
"js": [
"some-3rd-party-lib", "http://lolcdn.corn/jquerybootstrapmoottols.js"
"title": "My awesome project"
Using the CLI for KSS
Here you can find more information about this topic.
Let's say that you have your own configuration file my-custom-bkss-config.json
located in your project's root directory.
Run this from the command line:
kss --config my-custom-bkss-config.json
Note: This example assumes, that you have installed kss-node as a global dependency.