0.0.0 • Published 3 years ago
blacksheep v0.0.0
This is a WIP plugin for @nrwl/nx
adding support for Cosmwasm smart contracts
Nx helps building contracts faster with cloud computing with github integration.
Install Nx first.
npm i -g nx
> npx create-nx-workspace
> yarn add nxcw
Generate each cosmwasm contract starter from each cosmos chain
> nx generate nxcw:osmosis my_cosmwasm_contract
WIP: cosmjs lib
> nx generate nxcw:js my_cosmjs_lib
Build a contract or Typescript library
> nx build my_cosmwasm_contract
Run unit tests in a library or contract
> nx test my_cosmjs_lib
> nx test my_cosmwasm_contract
Render dependancy graph for your cosmwasm contract
> nx graph
Cloud build
Integrate with nx cloud build server to save compilation time for rust cosmwasm contracts.
Check a Rust project with clippy
nx lint my_cosmwasm_contract
Don't fail on warnings:
nx lint my_cosmwasm_contract __fail_on_warnings false
The executors accept most of the same CLI args as the corresponding cargo
commands. When in doubt, run with the __help
flag to see all options with descriptions:
> nx build my_cosmwasm_contract __help
3 years ago