1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago

blogmon v1.0.2

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Last release
3 years ago


A npm package to fetch (or paginate) blog posts from many blog post publishing websites. Currently supports only dev.to and hashnode.com

Gotta get'em all!

Blogmon is a fork of blogtraversy.


npm i blogmon

Quick Start

The Recommended way is to use a BlogPostIterator.

getDevtoPostIterator returns a BlogPostIterator.

import { getDevtoPostIterator } from "blogmon";

const config = {
  userName: "arunmurugan78",
  perPage: 7, // optional, defaults to 6

const devto = getDevtoPostIterator(config);

// returns blog posts of given perPage size. Promise<BlogPost[]>
// Useful in Paginating the results
devto.nextPage().then((blogPosts) => {
  if (blogPosts) {
    // do something with the results, like displaying the details.
    // blogPosts will be of length less than or equal to perPage provided in config
    for (const blogPost of blogPosts) {
  } else {
    // reached end of results
    console.log("end of result. traversed all blog posts!");

BlogPost data is of the following form.

// BlogPost.ts
export interface BlogPost {
  url: string;
  coverImageUrl: string;
  title: string;
  description: string;
  dateAdded?: Date;
  dateEdited?: Date;
  tags: string[];

Like for dev.to, you can use getHashnodePostIterator.

To get all Blog Posts from all the provided websites use getAllPosts.

import { getDevtoPostIterator } from "blogmon";

// blogPosts will be fetched for the provided usernames
const usernames = {
  devtoUserName: "arunmurugan78",
  hashnodeUserName: "arunmurugan",

 * Fetches all the blog posts. might get slow if you have a lot of blog posts.
getAllPosts(usernames).then((blogPosts) => {
  // blogPosts will be in the latest to oldest dateAdded order.
  // do whatever you want to do with blogPosts

3 years ago


3 years ago


3 years ago