1.0.11 • Published 2 years ago

blueink-js v1.0.11

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2 years ago


Javascript Client for the BlueInk API


Use npm to install the Blueink Javascript Library

npm install blueink-client-js

How do I import the client and other helpers from the Library?

Recommended: You can import the client in ES module style if your environment supports it:

import { BlueInkClient } from "blueink-client-js";

Or you can import the client in CommonJS style:

const { BlueInkClient } = require("blueink-client-js");

How do I initialize the client?

import { BlueInkClient } from "blueink-client-js";

const client = new BlueInkClient("Your-BlueInk-Private-Api-Key");

If your BlueInk Private API Key is not provided, the library will look for BLUEINK_PRIVATE_API_KEY in the .env.

You can also pass the URL to BlueInk API Call explicitly to the client:

const client = new BlueInkClient("Your-BlueInk-Private-Api-Key", "BlueInk-URL");

Otherwise, it will check for the URL in .env file or use the default one.


import { BlueInkClient } from "blueink-client-js";

Create an instance of the API Client
and initialize it with the credentials
const client = new BlueInkClient(process.env.BLUEINK_PRIVATE_API_KEY);

//Create wrapper async function
const listAllBundles = async () => {
	// The try/catch statement needs to be called from within an asynchronous function
	try {
		// Call bundles.list methods to get all bundles in the BlueInk account
		const bundleList = await client.bundles.list();

		console.log("Here is your all bundles: ", bundleList);

		// Get the bundles with status co (complete)
		const completedBundleList = await client.bundles.list({
			status: "co",

		console.log("Here is your all completed bundles: ", completedBundleList);
	} catch (error) {
		if (error.response) {
			console.log("There was an error in your request: ", error.response);
		} else {
			console.log("Unexpected Error: ", error);

// Invokes the async function

We provide the paged list where it has a generator function so you can fetch the next or previous page just using nextPage or previousPage methods

import { BlueInkClient } from "blueink-client-js";

const client = new BlueInkClient(process.env.BLUEINK_PRIVATE_API_KEY);

const pagedListAllBundles = async () => {
	try {
		// Call bundles.list methods to get all bundles in the BlueInk account
		// Passing the related_data will fetch bundle's events, data, files at once
		const pagedList = await client.bundles.pagedList({
			page: 5,
			per_page: 10,
			related_data: true,

			"Here is your all bundles with related data at page 5: ",

		// To get the rest of the pages, we use iterator
		for (let page of pagedList.pages) {
			const currentPageData = await page;
			console.log("Your current page: ", currentPageData);

		// Simply and fast fetch the next page using nextPage method
		const nextPageData = await pagedList.nextPage();

		console.log("Here is your next page data: ", nextPageData);

		// Similarly, fetching previous page is simple enough
		const previousPageData = await pagedList.previousPage();

		console.log("Here is your previous page data: ", previousPageData);
	} catch (error) {
		// Error handling
		if (error.response) {
			console.log("There was an error in your request: ", error.response);
		} else {
			console.log("Unexpected Error: ", error);

// Invokes the async function

Creating a new Bundle can be tedious and complex. Therefore, we provide BundleHelper which helps you to create a new bundle with less error prone. To create a new bundle, we can either use addDocumentByPath, addDocumentByPath, addDocumentByFile.

import { BlueInkClient, BundleHelper } from "blueink-client-js";

const client = new BlueInkClient(process.env.BLUEINK_PRIVATE_API_KEY);

const createNewBundle = async () => {
	try {
		// Initialize the BundleHelper with basic bundle information
		const bundleHelper = new BundleHelper({
			label: "New Bundle Created Using File Path",
			requester_email: "example@email.com",
			requester_name: "Mr. Example",
			email_subject: "Yay First Bundle",
			email_message: "This is your first bundle.",

		// Adding a new document is easy with addDocument* method
		const docKey = bundleHelper.addDocumentByPath("path-to-your-file.pdf", {
			key: "DOC-1", // key will be generated automatically if not provided

		/* Adding a new document url
		const docKey = bundleHelper.addDocumentByUrl("url-to-pdf-file", {
			key: "DOC-1", // key will be generated automatically if not provided

		/* Adding a new document file
		const docKey = bundleHelper.addDocumentByFile(file, {
			key: "DOC-1", // key will be generated automatically if not provided

		// Add a new signer to your bundle
		const signerKey = bundleHelper.addSigner({
			name: "The Signer One",
			email: "peter.gibbons@example.com",

		// Add a new field to your document and assign it to the signer
		bundleHelper.addField(docKey, {
			label: "Your Name",
			page: 1,
			kind: "txt",
			editors: [signerKey],
			x: 15,
			y: 60,
			w: 20,
			h: 3,

		// We also provide addDocumentTemplate
		const templateKey = bundleHelper.addDocumentTemplate({
			template_id: "Your-template-id-here",

		bundleHelper.assignRole(signerKey, templateKey, "your-role-id");

		// Finally, call create method from the client to create a new bundle
		const newBundleData = await client.bundles.create(bundleHelper.asData());

		console.log("Creating a new bundle is easy: ", newBundleData);
	} catch (error) {
		if (error.response) {
			console.log("There was an error in your request: ", error.response);
		} else {
			console.log("Unexpected Error: ", error);

// Invokes the async function


To run the example:

npm run create-bundle-from-path
npm run create-bundle-from-url
npm run create-bundle-from-template
npm run list-bundles

2 years ago


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2 years ago