1.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

boilerplate-parcel v1.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago


Small Starter Kit using Express, Parcel and React.

Parcel is a ligthweight, almost zero-config, fast bundler. Though not as complete as the star Webpack, it is much, much simpler to use.


All the files in the public directory will be parsed by Parcel. The dist and .cache directories are built by Parcel, and set aside in the .gitignore file.

Some testing features should be removed when starting development. They are located in ./server/index.js, ./client/components/Test.js and ./client/public/index.js.

To start: npm install boilerplate-parcel

Then other dependencies can be added as dev or regular, to suit the project: redux, SASS and others.

After, there is a choice implemented in package.json:

  • npm start ==> build the Parcel folders if not present and set it on watch, then invokes nodemon main.js, serving the bundle through the regular Express server.
  • npm run parcel:build ==> just the build-up of the Parcel folders, then exit
  • npm run parcel:watch ==> build-up then on watch for change
  • npm run parcel:dev ==> build-up and serve the Parcel folders to Port 1234 and maintaining watch. It adds the Hot Modules Reloading capacity (HMR)
