1.3.6 • Published 3 years ago

boim_test2 v1.3.6

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3 years ago

Getting Started

Visit https://boimjs.app to get started with Next.js.


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Boim.js is a React framework supports server-side rendering, static site generation, and client-side rendering. Improve the performance of your web site.

💡The Hybrid Architecture

Boim framework supports Server-Side Rendering, Static Site Generation, Client Side Rendering. Depending on how your application is used, you can render content in different ways. Our frameworks support a hybrid SSR/CSR approach, which produces web contents on the server at the first request time but generates other pages on user browsers via internal page navigations.

💡File-Base Routing

React handles routing in a code-based routing method. On the other hand, Boim framework provides file-based routing. When a component file is created, the route is implemented by reading the folder structure inside the pages.

💡Search Engine Optimization

The boim framework injects tags related to SEO when generating html. Improve the quality and quantity of website traffic from search engines to your website or web pages. Even in client-side rendering, search engine optimization is possible without other libraries such as helmet.