0.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

bool-comparison v0.1.0

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4 years ago


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Provides simple short-hands for common comparisons


  • JavaScript ES6 for the use of rest parameters


Install this package like any other packages:

npm install bool-comparison


Import this package like any other packages:

const compare = require('bool-comparison')

This package contains documentation. You can check all functions and parameters' description in your IDE.

Compound Comparison

This package provide compound comparison functions that allow you to write less code to do same-variable comparisons

Each function in this category have the same signature:

x(value, strict, ...comp)


  • x is the name of the function
  • value is the value to compare
  • comp are all values to compare value with
  • strict sets whether the comparisons are performed strictly (using ===) or not (using ==)

All of these functions compare all values in comp against value and returns true or false depending on the function.

compare.all(value, strict, ...comp)

Returns true only if all values in comp are equal to value

Internally, this function is equal to value ==(=) comp[0] && value ==(=) comp[1] && value ==(=) comp[2]...

compare.some(value, strict, ...comp)

Returns true if any values in comp are equal to value

Internally, this function is equal to value ==(=) comp[0] || value ==(=) comp[1] || value ==(=) comp[2]...

compare.none(value, strict, ...comp)

Returns true only if all values in comp are not equal to value

It is the negated form of compare.all

compare.notSome(value, strict, ...comp)

Returns true only if any values in comp are not equal to value

It is the negated form of compare.some

Numerical Comparison

This package provide functions to compare numerical data

compare.between(value, max, min, options)

Under construction




4 years ago