1.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

boomper-github-app v1.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago

NPM package


Firstly, you’ll need to install the Boomper GitHub App. This listens out for any releases, or any changes to the configuration.

Then, add a .github/boomper.yml configuration file to the GitHub repository where you publish new releases to.

For example, given the following .github/boomper.yml file:

- path: README.md
  pattern: 'https://someurl.com/(v.*)/download.zip'

And given the following README.md file:

Install with `curl https://someurl.com/v1.0.0/download.zip`

Then when a new release is published (e.g. v2.0.0), Boomper will update the README.md to:

Install with `curl https://someurl.com/v2.0.0/download.zip`


Buildkite Plugin Readmes

- path: README.md
  pattern: 'my-org/my-plugin#(v.*):'

Configuration options

You can configure Boomper using the following key in your .github/boomper.yml file:

updatesRequiredA list of paths and patterns to update when a new release is published.
updates.[].pathRequiredThe path to the file to update.
updates.[].patternRequiredThe regular expression containing a single group, which will be used to match and update the version number in the file.
updates.[].branchOptionalThe branch to update. Default is the repository's default branch (e.g. master).
branchesOptionalThe branches to listen for configuration updates to .github/boomper.yml. Useful if you want to test the app on a pull request branch. Default is "master".

Boomper also supports Probot Config, if you want to store your configuration files in a central repository.


If you have Node v10+ installed locally, you can run the tests, and a local app, using the following commands:

# Install dependencies

# Run the tests
npm test

# Run the app locally
npm start

If you don't have Node installed, you can use Docker Compose:

# Run the tests
docker-compose run --rm app npm test


Third-pary contributions are welcome! 🙏🏼 See CONTRIBUTING.md for step-by-step instructions.

If you need help or have a question, let me know via a GitHub issue.


If you want to deploy your own copy of Boomper, follow the Probot Deployment Guide.


Run the following command:

git checkout master && git pull && npm version [major | minor | patch]

The command does the following:

  • Ensures you’re on master and don't have local, un-commited changes
  • Bumps the version number in package.json based on major, minor or patch
  • Runs the postversion npm script in package.json, which:
    • Pushes the tag to GitHub
    • Publishes the npm release
    • Opens the GitHub releases page so you can publish the release notes